
  • The success of Hogwarts Legacy, with over 15 million copies sold, suggests that a sequel is likely in development.
  • Avalanche has the opportunity to expand on the features in a sequel, potentially making the game more unique and diverse.
  • Introducing new elements, such as Patronuses and Dementors, could add depth and excitement to the gameplay in a Hogwarts Legacy sequel.

There is currently no official acknowledgment of a Hogwarts Legacy sequel in development, but the game selling over 15 million copies since launch is as sure of a guarantee as ever that one is at least being considered, if not briskly being expedited. It would also seem as if Avalanche figured it could have an opportunity to work on a sequel, let alone DLC or an expansion since it cut out many features fans would have adored. Still, Hogwarts Legacy is oversaturated already and more elements might’ve cramped it further, possibly leaving Avalanche with no choice on the matter.

Either way, Avalanche now already has a wonderful catalog of features it could toss into a Hogwarts Legacy sequel, where they will also thrive and make such a game feel more unique in comparison. It isn’t easy to believe that Hogwarts Legacy could have a much different sequel in terms of its mechanics or setting if it wants to recapture the magic it successfully delivered to action-RPG and Harry Potter fans alike, but new features are almost always the key to diversifying new entries anyhow.

Marvel’s Spider-Man Withheld the Symbiote for Its Sequel

Marvel’s Spider-Man fans knew that Venom would be an inevitability since the original game’s post-credits sequence. It was then instantly assumed—and recently proven correct—that Harry would be Venom due to his bonding with the symbiote in the fluid chamber, much like it was assumed that Peter would have the symbiote cling to him at some point.

The clearest confirmation of the symbiote’s actual role in the sequel came with Bryan Intihar clarifying that Insomniac wanted to reserve it as a suit until it could do it justice.

That culminated in the symbiote’s role being significant throughout Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, especially in its third act, where a symbiote invasion suddenly goes from being teased to being fulfilled in a matter of scenes. Peter wearing the symbiote also dramatically affects gameplay with new abilities, and its evolving aesthetic has a profound implication for Marvel’s Spider-Man 3.

Insomniac lobbed up the idea that the symbiote would be instrumental when it was finally unveiled as a suit. While nothing has been mentioned or teased for a Hogwarts Legacy sequel, it could take a similarly dark route with a Patronus Charm and Dementors playing a larger role.

Hogwarts Legacy Should Make Patronuses and Dementors a Big Part of Its Sequel

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This way, Marvel’s Spider-Man’s franchise shows how Patronuses and Dementors could be the key to a Hogwarts Legacy sequel. Indeed, Dementors only appeared in Hogwarts Legacy’s exclusive and optional Hufflepuff side quest at Azkaban. But Dementors being added as an enemy type roaming the castle grounds and the Highlands enveloping it could make for an exciting distinction in gameplay.

Dementors and Patronuses Could Make a Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Unique

There aren’t many spells left in Harry Potter’s lore that Hogwarts Legacy didn’t already capitalize on, at least not many that are as unique as they are iconic, and yet its exclusion of Expecto Patronum would make the niche spell a layup in the sequel. Like Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s symbiote, the Patronus Charm being withheld made sense due to players not combating any Dementors in Hogwarts Legacy.

Patronuses are also unique to individuals, meaning that the player’s Patronus could contribute to Hogwarts Legacy’s customization options. There are a handful of other features that Hogwarts Legacy’s sequel should include, too, but Dementors as enemies and Patronuses as spells should be withheld until Avalanche can make them impactful to the franchise’s story.