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Many of the spells players learn in Hogwarts Legacy are part of their curriculum as fifth-year students, but there are some spells players can learn that aren't taught at the school. Confringo, the Blasting Curse, is one such spell that can't be learned from professors at Hogwarts. This spell is incredibly useful, acting as a long-range variant to Incendio. Confringo is very useful in combat but is also often required to solve various puzzles and even some of Hogwarts Legacy's Merlin Trials.

To learn Confringo, players will need to rely on Sebastian, as he has no issue using curses such as this. As with other spells, players will need to progress far enough in the story until Sebastian's quest is unlocked. In this case, the mission in question is a main quest of Hogwarts Legacy called "In the Shadow of the Undercroft."

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Completing In the Shadow of the Undercroft

hogwarts legacy completing in the shadow of the undercroft

In order to unlock "In the Shadow of the Undercroft," players must complete the Jackdaw's Rest dungeon. Once this is done, Sebastian should send the player an owl, asking them to meet him in the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. The quest itself is easy; just talk to Sebastian, follow him down into the Undercroft, and then he will teach the player Confringo.

Learning Confringo

hogwarts legacy learning confringo

After a brief conversation about the nature of curses and Sebastian's tragic childhood memories, players will be faced with a spell-learning minigame for Confringo. Keep the cursor following the pattern when and press the appropriate buttons at the right time to learn the spell.

At this point, it can be assigned to any slot on the player's spell sets; players are likely running out of room for spells by this point, so it helps to purchase additional spell sets with Talent Points.

How to Use Confringo

hogwarts legacy how to use confringo

The Blasting Curse is primarily used to damage enemies, and it excels at this purpose. Its range is very long, especially when compared to the short range of Incendio, and the spell deals fire damage, making it particularly effective against spiders and Inferi. Surprisingly, Confringo can also be used to solve various puzzles and Merlin Trials.

Certain trials that require players to ignite braziers quickly would be impossible with Incendio, and there are even some field guide pages in Hogwarts that can only be obtained by using Confringo. Finally, it has obvious applications for exploration, as the curse can be used to destroy objects or burn webs.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. PS4 and Xbox One ports are scheduled to release on April 4; the Nintendo Switch version is arriving on July 25, 2023.