The upcoming Harry Potter RPG Hogwarts Legacy has had players committing to a boycott of the game since its announcement as a response to the ongoing controversies surrounding Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, but the most recent person of prominent internet standing to throw their hat in the ring has been leaving some surprised. Youtuber Keemstar has openly declared himself to be joining the boycott of the game, but due to his history of offensive hot takes and behavior, many familiar with him and the Hogwarts Legacy controversy were surprised to find him taking this stance.

Hogwarts Legacy will follow the player character through their adventures at Hogwarts, allowing fans to live out their dreams of attending the Wizard school, but many will choose not to. J.K. Rowling's continued attacks on Twitter directed at both Trans individuals and the community at large has led to even the most loyal Potter fans boycotting the game. However, with the title still holding strong preorder numbers, only time will tell what kind of effect the boycotts will have on the game's popularity and sales.

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Keemstar Makes for an Unlikely Ally


The YouTuber Daniel Keem, known as Keemstar by fans, is best known for his gossip series DramaAlert, which has also been the home for many of the controversies over the years. From his continued use of slurs, to his inappropriate comments regarding fellow YouTuber TotalBiscuit's cancer diagnosis, he has consistently had enough contention surrounding him that Keemstar briefly announced a planned retirement in 2021, though later walked this back stating a lack of faith in finding a suitable replacement host for the series.

To say that the YouTube creator surprised many when he sided with the Trans community may feel like an understatement to those familiar with him. Although he has stated that he supports Trans rights, Keemstar repeated controversial comments left many unimpressed with his potential solidarity with the community. However, as an influencer with a huge platform, he has the power to slow Hogwarts Legacy's record-breaking pre-orders. Though the replies to his tweet announcing his decision contained those stating their intent to preorder the game simply to spite him, Keemstar's small bit of activism may be enough to push away some of his fans who were on the fence about purchasing the game.

Although the majority of the Trans community and its allies have committed to their boycott, based on the vocal outcry against Rowling, Portkey Games likely anticipated this response. Keemstar's audience of those who have stuck by him through his controversies are unlikely suspects for this kind of public shunning. And with how large his audience is, publicly denouncing the game could have the power to change the course of Hogwarts Legacy's current standing at number one sales on Steam and number two on Xbox.

The once immaculate reputation of the children’s book author was forever compromised when Rowling made anti-trans comments in 2019, but fans of Harry Potter still find themselves eager for the game that allows them to live, study, and explore the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. While it’s unclear if Keemstar was a fan of the series prior to Rowling tweeting her views, or if he had any desire to buying the game at all, his condemnation is sure to have an impact on the sales for the game. The extent of that impact will be is a question that likely won’t be answered until the game’s release.

Hogwarts Legacy is scheduled to release on February 10, on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, on April 4 on PS4 and Xbox One, and on July 25 on Nintendo Switch.

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