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Collecting Field Guide pages is an important part of Hogwarts Legacy, as each one not only provides players with valuable experience points, but also shares interesting facts about the world around them. Many of these can be obtained simply by using Revelio near points of interest or casting Accio on flying Field Guide pages, but some require players to solve small puzzles instead. The dragon bowls spread throughout Hogwarts are an example of the latter, as each one rewards the player with a Field Guide page if they are able to figure out how to interact with it.

There are 236 Field Guide pages for players to hunt down in Hogwarts Legacy, and a staggering 150 of them are found within the grounds of Hogwarts itself. Players who want to find them all will need to learn how to use the dragon-shaped statues found in various locations around the school. Thankfully, this is fairly easy if players know the correct spell.

RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy: How to Unlock More Spell Sets

Where to Find Dragon Braziers in Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy school map

Players will have likely noticed or simply walked past some strange dragon-shaped statues as they explored the castle grounds. While at first they may appear to be little more than decorations or embellishments, they are actually integral to completing the Field Guide and getting 100% completion of Hogwarts Legacy. There are 13 of these dragon statues in total, which can be found all over Hogwarts. Players need only keep an eye out for them as they attend classes, complete quests, and explore.

How to Use Dragon Bowls in Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy how to get dragon field guide pages

The main hint that players may have noticed which indicates that these are not simply decorations is that they light up when the player targets them and can even be locked onto. In order to interact with them, players will need to use one of two spells: either Incendio or Confringo. Both of these spells are capable of lighting things on fire, and these dragon bowls must be lit aflame in order to claim their associated Field Guide pages. Although either of these spells will work just fine, Incendio has some notable drawbacks, meaning that there are some cases where Confringo works significantly better.

Incendio will work for most of these dragon statues, but some of them are simply too far away for players to hit with the short-range Incendio spell. In this case, Confringo is required to light them on fire and get the Field Guide page. Players should be sure to keep an eye out in areas such as the Grand Staircase, Quad Courtyard, Faculty Tower, and Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower and have Confringo at the ready.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. PS4 and Xbox One ports are scheduled to release on April 4; the Nintendo Switch version is arriving on July 25, 2023.