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Flipendo is a very useful spell in Hogwarts Legacy, having applications both for combat and for solving certain puzzles. Learning this spell requires players to progress far enough in the game to unlock the accompanying quest and invest somewhat heavily in the tools and seeds needed to grow magical plants. However, it's all worth it once the player finally gets Flipendo.

Unfortunately, despite their impressive aptitude for magic, Hogwarts Legacy players can't simply figure out how to cast Flipendo on their own. Instead, they'll need a teacher to help guide them along. In this case, Professor Garlick is the one who will help players to learn the spell, but she'll require that they complete some assignments first. As one might expect from the Herbology teacher at Hogwarts, these involve cultivating and using magical plants.

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How to Complete Professor Garlick's Assignment 2 in Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy completing professor garlicks assignment 2

After completing Professor Garlick's first assignment, she will send another owl with more tasks and the promise of teaching the player Flipendo. The following tasks must be completed before players can learn the spell:

  • Grow and harvest Fluxweed
  • Acquire all three combat plants and use them simultaneously

It's worth noting that players must grow their own Fluxweed, meaning that it can't simply be purchased from the Magic Neep. This is a multi-step process, though, as players will need to purchase Fluxweed Seeds from the Magic Neep and a spellcraft for a potting table with a large pot from Tomes and Scrolls. After doing so, they can head to the Room of Requirement, conjure the potting table, and plant the seeds. It's then just a case of waiting a while and harvesting them to complete this portion of the assignment.

For the combat plants, players can either grow their own with seeds purchased from Dogweed and Deathcap or simply purchase the fully-grown plants directly from Dogweed and Deathcap for 300 (Chinese Chomping Cabbage), 500 (Mandrake), and 600 (Venomous Tentacula) Galleons each. That's a total of 1,400 Galleons to buy them all. Once they have one of each plant, they'll need to go and find any group of enemies and use all three in quick succession to complete th assignment.

How to Learn Flipendo in Hogwarts Legacy

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Now players are ready to head back to the Greenhouses and speak with Professor Garlick. Afterward, she will teach the player Flipendo. To learn it, they'll simply need to press the right buttons at the right time and keep the cursor aimed down the pattern on the screen to unlock the spell. It can then be equipped to any space in the spell set.

How to Use Flipendo in Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy how to use flipendo

At first glance, Flipendo may not seem all that useful, but it has a few specific uses that make it worth keeping on a spell set. For starters, casting Flipendo on a troll right after it slams its club down will cause the club to flip back up and hit the troll in the face, stunning it and dealing heavy damage. What's more, certain Merlin Trials require the player to cast Flipendo to flip blocks over. Completing these is very important if players want to unlock more gear slots in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. PS4 and Xbox One ports are scheduled to release on April 4; the Nintendo Switch version is arriving on July 25, 2023.