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Of the many potions players can brew in Hogwarts Legacy, it could be argued that the Wiggenweld Potion is the most important one. While the Edurus potion may make players more survivable and the Maxima potion may drastically increase the damage they can do for a short time, Wiggenweld Potions act as the game's basic healing potions, and players will need a steady supply of them as they explore the Scottish Highlands and continue through the story. There are a few different ways to obtain more Wiggenweld Potions, and players should know the ins and outs of each method if they don't want to run out of a reliable healing item during a tense combat encounter.

All Daedalian Keys in Hogwarts Legacy (Relic House Uniform)

Hogwarts Legacy players can earn a special robe called the Relic House Uniform that glows when they cast spells, but earning it is no easy feat.

Hogwarts Legacy gives players their first Wiggenweld Potion at the very beginning of the game. Professor Fig explains that the Wiggenweld can close wounds and heal injuries and advises that the player always have some on them. This is perhaps the best piece of advice he could have given, as players will be using Wiggenweld for the rest of the game. With certain upgrades, the effectiveness of a Wiggenweld Potion can be enhanced so that it provides a more potent healing effect, which is something that players would need for obvious reasons.

Updated on January 27, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Hogwarts Legacy is a game that has shattered all records to become one of the greatest video games fans can check out, and it's easy to see why people are so impressed by the fun combat and excellent adaptation of the wizarding world. The title can be quite challenging to get into at later stages, with the tough-as-nails combat rearing its ugly head at later difficulties. This makes it downright necessary to hoard as many Wiggenweld Potions as possible so that players aren't caught between a rock and a hard place against a particularly challenging foe.

However one decides to get their potions, it's important to know that Hogwarts Legacy players can only carry 25 Wiggenweld Potions at a time.

Buying Wiggenweld Potions

The Simplest Way To Get Potions If Players Are In A Hamlet

hogwarts legacy j pippins potions wiggenweld

The most obvious, albeit costly, way to obtain more Wiggenweld Potions is to simply buy them. Vendors like J. Pippins' Potions at Hogsmeade or various shopkeepers in Hamlets throughout the game will sell a few Wiggenweld Potions at a time to the player. Usually, they cost around 100 Gold each.

While this is the simplest way to get potions in the game, most people consider this to be a waste of gold because of the other options players have to acquire this potion. As long as players are diligent and take Hogwarts Legacy seriously, they shouldn't face such a major shortage of potions that they're forced to buy from one of the many potion vendors in the game.

Brewing Wiggenweld Potions

15 Seconds Is All It Takes To Brew One Potion

hogwarts legacy potions station wiggenweld

It's generally much better for players to brew their own Wiggenweld Potions; it's something they'll learn how to do after attending their first Potions class with Professor Sharp. Assuming players have access to a Potions Station, they simply need to have the following ingredients:

  • 1 Dittany Leaves
  • 1 Horklump Juice
Games To Play If You Like Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy isn't the only game that fans of magic can enjoy; here are some other great titles that offer a similar experience.

Dittany Leaves can be grown in small pots, including the one Professor Garlick gives players in their first Herbology Class. Horklump Juice is a bit harder to find but can usually be collected outside dungeons and caves. Brewing the potion only takes 15 seconds. Of course, this doesn't make waiting around for the potion to brew particularly viable, but it's still a fairly easy way to stock on potions with a single visit to the Room of Requirement, especially given the wealth of activities players can accomplish in this area aside from just brewing potions.

Wiggenweld Potions From The Hopping Pot

A Small Chance Of Getting This Useful Potion

hogwarts legacy hopping pot wiggenweld

A much less reliable method to get Wiggenweld Potions is to use a Hopping Pot. The spellcraft for this can be purchased from Scrolls and Tomes in Hogsmeade, and a few moonstones will allow players to conjure it in their Room of Requirement. These Hopping Pots produce a random potion every 15 minutes, so players might get some Wiggenweld this way as well.

Suffice it to say, players shouldn't rely solely on Hopping Pots to get their supply of Wiggenweld Potions. There are many other useful potions in Hogwarts Legacy that players can use in battle which are provided by these pots, and most players should use this in tandem with the other ways to get Wiggenweld Potions in the game if they wish to maintain a healthy stock of this restorative.

Finding Wiggenweld Potions

Dropped Rather Frequently By Enemies And Found Naturally In The Game World

hogwarts legacy wiggenweld enemy drop

Finally, it's also possible to simply find Wiggenweld Potions as players explore. Certain enemies will drop Wiggenweld Potions when defeated, and the game sometimes supplies players with a few extra Wiggenweld Potions just before a boss fight. Keep an eye out and use Revelio often to find potions lying around.

The rate at which Wiggenweld Potions are dropped and found in the game is staggering, and players who are serious about exploration will top up their stock of potions in no time flat. Unless players are strapped for time, there's no reason not to loot the many areas they find in the game to fill up their stock of Wiggenweld Potions.

hogwarts legacy poster
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy

February 10, 2023
Avalanche Software
Action , RPG