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One of the main attractions of Hogwarts Legacy for hardcore Harry Potter fans is the chance to explore all four house common rooms. The player's common room is one of the first areas that they get to freely explore in Hogwarts, but subsequent missions will take players all over the castle and even beyond. After all this exploration, it can be very easy for players to lose their way and struggle to find their common room again. Moreover, although players can't enter common rooms for the other Hogwarts houses, they can still go and find the entrances, most of which have a Field Guide page associated with them.

Choosing their house is the first thing that Hogwarts Legacy players will do after completing the tutorial quest in Gringotts with Professor Fig. While many players may be familiar with the Gryffindor common room from the movies, the Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin common rooms can be explored in all their glory as well.

Updated on May 9th, 2023: The magic of Hogwarts has opened up to PS4 and Xbox One players now that Hogwarts Legacy is available on those consoles. This means that a new set of fifth-year students are getting to experience the castle for the first time. Players are given a small tour of their own Common Room at the beginning of the game, but it can be fun to seek out the other Hogwarts Legacy Common Room entrances as well. Read on to learn how to find all four Common Rooms in Hogwarts Legacy and get the Field Guide Pages associated with them.

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How to Find Every Common Room in Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy grand staircase

All four of the Hogwarts Legacy Common Rooms can be found by heading to the Grand Staircase. This is the central area in Hogwarts with the stairs that appear as the player draws closer to them. When players enter the Grand Staircase from the Reception Hall (the area with the House Point Hourglasses and the Hogwarts Architect statue), there are five floors to explore. Each of the four lowest floors is home to one of the common rooms, with the top floor being the location of the Trophy Room. Once players are on a specific floor, they can figure out which common room is nearby by looking for that Hogwarts house's mascot.

How to Find the Hogwarts Legacy Slytherin Common Room

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Perhaps fittingly, the Slytherin Common Room can be found all the way at the bottom of the Grand Staircase in the dungeon. After reaching the end of the stairs, players should head through the large door. Make a right turn here and they should see another set of stairs leading down.

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If players head down the stairs, they'll find a dark room with a snake inscription on the floor. This is the hint that the Slytherin common room is near. The snake curls up in this main room right in front of an inconspicuous wall. Slytherin players that approach this wall will see the snake on the ground slither up and create a doorway. Everyone else will see nothing but a boring old wall.

The Slytherin Dungeon is the largest area dedicated to a particular house, so it can be easy to get lost down here. There are also several Field Guide Pages to be found in this area, including the Kelpie Statue and the Slytherin's Sink, which fans will recognize from Chamber of Secrets.

How to Find the Hogwarts Legacy Hufflepuff Common Room

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The Hufflepuff common room is located right near the kitchen, which players can find on the second level up from the bottom. This level is also the main entrance to the grand staircase described above (i.e., through the Reception Hall).

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Looking towards the grand staircase, players should notice an arch to the left with a plant hanging down from the ceiling. The Hufflepuff Common Room can be found in this direction. Players should head toward the grand staircase but go round the corner and then down the spiral staircase with the tree branches wrapping around it.

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This staircase goes on for quite a bit, and players can grab a snack and find the House-Elf recipe book Field Guide Page on their way down if they haven't already done so. At the bottom of the stairs, players will find themselves in the cellar, where they'll need to pass the portrait that leads to Hogwarts' kitchen and turn right at the end of the hall.

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Players should then see two giant barrels up against the wall on the left. The furthest barrel is the secret entrance to the Hufflepuff Common Room. Hufflepuff players that approach the barrel will see it make way for them so they can enter the common room.

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Players from any other house will want to think twice about walking up to the barrel, as doing so will cause them to be doused in Vinegar. If players approach the smaller barrels next to the entrance and use Revelio, they will find a Field Guide Page discussing the Hufflepuff Common Room.

How to Find the Hogwarts Legacy Gryffindor Common Room

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Oddly enough, the Gryffindor Common Room is actually located in the Faculty Tower of Hogwarts. To find it, players will want to head to the third floor of the Grand Staircase.

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Once here, players should see a hallway with a statue of the One-Eyed Witch, which serves as a secret passage to Hogsmeade. Using Revelio here will reward players with the Field Guide Page entry for her. However, to find the Gryffindor common room, they'll need to continue onward into the One-Eyed Witch Passage.

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This passageway leads into a large room with intricate designs on the floor called the Faculty Tower. Players will notice a winding staircase on the far side of the room. These stairs will lead players up to the Gryffindor Common Room.

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At the top of the stairs, players should look to the left to see a hallway with a portrait of the Fat Lady at the end. As fans of the Harry Potter books and movies will remember, the portrait of the Fat Lady is the secret entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

Gryffindor players can simply approach the portrait and it will swing open, revealing a tunnel and the common room. Players from any other house will simply be berated by the Fat Lady for not having the password. Using Revelio here will reward them with the Field Guide Page about the Gryffindor Common Room.

How to Find the Hogwarts Legacy Ravenclaw Common Room

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The Ravenclaw Common Room is on the fourth floor of the Grand Staircase, above all the rest of the common rooms but not quite as high as the Trophy Room.

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After reaching the fourth floor, players should see a doorway leading into a blue hallway. Players may recognize this room as the location of one of Zenobia's Gobstones from the "Gobs of Gobstones" side quest. From here, players should continue following the path until they come to a green room with an Arithmancy door puzzle. Whether players solve the puzzle or not, the spiral staircase is more important to find the Ravenclaw common room.

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Those trying to find the Ravenclaw Common Room will need to head up the spiral staircase of the Ravenclaw Tower, being sure to stop and use Revelio on the enchanted bust to get the Ravenclaw Bust Field Guide Page if they don't already have it. Eventually, they'll find themselves in a wood-paneled room and should see the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room up ahead.

Ravenclaw players that approach will see the eagle close its wings and the door swing open, but other players won't be able to access it. There is also a Field Guide Page for the doorknocker to the Ravenclaw Common Room itself.

Whether players are looking for the common room just to get back to their bed or because they want to find the Field Guide pages associated with the common rooms, it's great that Hogwarts Legacy lets players explore the common rooms to such a degree. Players will no doubt be tempted to make multiple characters just so they get the chance to see the insides of all of these unique and iconic areas.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now for PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S and is coming soon to PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.