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After finding the mysterious book in the library's restricted section, Hogwarts Legacy players will get a chance to explore the world around the titular school of witchcraft and wizardry. There, they'll find many small settlements scattered around the map, one of which is called Brocburrow. It's in this small hamlet that players will meet Alexandra Rickett, a seemingly normal person with an incredibly unusual pass time.

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Alexandra has been trying to train a Troll, but its violent tendencies just cannot be subdued. As a result, she'll ask players to defeat the Troll for her so that it can't cause any more harm, thus beginning the "Troll Control" side quest. It's recommended that Hogwarts Legacy players are at least Level 25 before heading to the Troll's den, but anyone at Level 13 or higher can tackle the quest if they have good reactions and a bit of patience.

How to Defeat Alexandra's Troll in Troll Control


After accepting the "Troll Control" side quest, players should make their way to the nearby Troll's Den location, which should now be marked on their map. Upon their arrival, they'll find the troll in a large open area, which bodes well given the range of some of its attacks. Players are advised to enter this battle with their Ancient Magic fully charged, though it is possible to dispatch Alexandra's Troll without Ancient Magic if players are good enough.


Trolls in Hogwarts Legacy have three main attack patterns; two of which are unblockable. The first of these unblockable attacks is a charge attack, with players needing to dodge roll in order to get out of the way. If they position themselves correctly, they can make it so that the Troll runs into a tree or wall, causing it to be stunned for a few moments. Its second unblockable attack sees the Troll swing its club at players two or three times, with the final swing leaving the troll vulnerable for a few seconds.

Hogwarts Legacy troll fight

As for the Troll's third attack, it will pull a boulder out of the ground and throw it at players from time to time, particularly if they are far away from it. Players can block these boulders using Protego and doing so successfully will present them with a short window in which pressing R1/RB will fire the boulder back in the Troll's direction. As well as unlocking a Dueling Feat, this will deal a decent amount of damage and stun the Troll for a few moments, making this a great strategy for under-leveled players.


With all this in mind, the best strategy for defeating Alexandra's Troll is to start the fight by hitting it with Ancient Magic and then flinging all of the nearby rocks and barrels at it using the R1/RB button. This should take out more than half of the Troll's health, as there are an awful lot of flingable objects around the battle area. After that, players should keep their distance and try to throw back as many of the Troll's boulders as possible, being sure to pepper it with basic spells whenever the opportunity presents itself.


After the Troll has been defeated, players can return to Brocburrow and speak with Alexandra to claim their reward. There'll be a few dialogue choices here, with players asked to choose a nickname for themselves, though, as is the case with a lot of the other side quests in Hogwarts Legacy, their choice here is fairly inconsequential. Whatever they choose, they'll receive 180 XP and the Troll Hat cosmetic item for completing "Troll Control."

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PS5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC. PS4, Xbox One, and Switch versions are currently in development.