The upcoming Hogwarts Legacy has a massive amount of expectation to live up to. Promising to curate the most detailed experience of living at Hogwarts that gamers have ever seen, there are a plethora of aspects about the Wizarding World that the game has to get right.

One of the most undoubtedly important elements that Hogwarts Legacy needs to perfect is the many castable spells that magical people within the Harry Potter universe have at their disposal. Despite the game not being set to release for some time, there are still an array of spells that are confirmed to appear at this point.

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The Confirmed and Teased Spells of Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy combat magic spells duels
  • Wingardium Leviosa - One of the most iconic and well-known spells within Harry Potter lore is Wingardium Leviosa, which can potentially be used in combat as well as exploration. Wingardium Leviosa allows the player to lift, suspend, and move objects through the air, and is one of the core spells to learn for any witch or wizard.
  • Accio - Another quite basic but useful spell is Accio. The Accio spell allows the caster to summon a personal object of their desire, even from a considerable distance. As an example of the potential uses of this spell, players may be able to summon their brooms in Hogwarts Legacy with Accio to allow for quick flight around the open world.
  • Descendo - Descendo is a confirmed spell that will have high efficacy in the combat of Hogwarts Legacy. A brutal spell, Descendo can slam objects or people down to cause significant damage to them.
  • Stupefy - Another core spell for combat present in Legacy is Stupefy. The spell stuns, or can even knock unconscious, the target that it is cast toward, and has been a mainstay combat spell in many of the previous Harry Potter games.
  • Diffindo - A lesser-known spell confirmed to be in Hogwarts Legacy is Diffindo. Requiring great precision, Diffindo is used to slash or cut at something, and can be used equally well for combat or in exploration to open up hidden areas.
  • Expelliarmus - Another iconic spell, Expelliarmus is confirmed to appear in Legacy. Experlliarmus disarms an opponent, and is integral to dueling within the Harry Potter universe.
  • Avada Kedavra - One of the Unforgivable Curses, Avada Kedavra will also appear in Legacy. Otherwise known as the Killing Curse, the spell is lethal, and gives an idea as to the dangers that the player will face.
  • Disillusionment Charm - The Disillusionment Charm is also thought to appear, allowing the player to cloak to their environment and essentially become invisible. The charm could be used to bypass dangerous foes, adding an element of stealth to Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Lumos - A​​​​​​ standard spell, Lumos was always expected to appear in this title. Lumos will illuminate a player's surroundings, and will thus be integral to exploring darker areas of Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Incendio - As the name suggests, Incendio can ignite fires when cast. Incendio could be used in combat and exploration, or to scare away dangerous flora and fauna that the player may encounter.
  • Protego - The Protego spell is likely to be very important in Legacy. The spell acts as a shield, deflecting incoming spells that the player will face during the intense combat of Hogwarts Legacy.
  • Reparo - Also known as the Mending Charm, Reparo can be used to repair objects, and mastery of it can extend to repairing bridges and massive structures, opening the avenues for exploration significantly.
  • Petrificus Totalus - Petrificus Totalus is a binding spell, which essentially freezes a victim in place, unable to move. The spell will likely be used to temporarily freeze enemies in combat, with the severity only increasing as a player levels up.

Hogwarts Legacy is scheduled to be released holiday 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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