
  • Hogwarts Legacy impressively captures the essence of the Harry Potter IP with its faithful recreation of the castle and characters, offering an immersive experience for players.
  • The game's sequel should give centaurs a more prominent role, using their traits and heritage to add depth to the setting and story, enhancing the historical feel and immersive nature of the game.
  • While Hogwarts Legacy succeeds in creating an immersive world and enjoyable gameplay, it falls short in terms of its storytelling, and the sequel should focus on improving the narrative by bringing in new races and plot devices, such as centaurs, to create a more memorable and engaging experience.

Hogwarts Legacy is one of the most memorable games of 2023, a year that has been littered with exceptional offerings. Giving players the means to mold a character and enter the iconic castle as a pupil and enjoy hours of side activities, story beats, and engaging combat is an impressive feat by developer Avalanche, and it did well to not only craft a great game, but one that fundamentally feels thoroughly in-keeping with the Harry Potter IP.

The castle and its surrounding area in Hogwarts Legacy are faithfully recreated, and for the most part, it's inhabited by characters that are similar to their appearances in the books and films. House elves, goblins, humans, and poltergeists can be found in all corners of the 2023 game, but while centaurs are a part of Hogwarts Legacy, their traits could be better used in the sequel, and Avalanche should look to give them a more prominent role to make the tale feel truly special this time around.

RELATED: Hogwarts Legacy Reminds Fans of Highly Requested Feature That Never Made It Into the Game

Hogwarts Legacy's Forbidden Forest is Dark and Full of Terrors


The world of Hogwarts Legacy is packed with compelling personalities, be it school pupils, professors, historical figures, or enemies. The space is well-populated, and plenty of curiosities can be found all around. The Forbidden Forest is gloomy in aesthetic and creepy in tone, and while friendly faces can be found among the trees, most of the players' time in the area will be spent battling bad guys.

Centaurs appear in the film adaptations of both Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Centaurs are forest-dwelling beings and add massively to Harry Potter's fantasy theme. In the films, they are sparsely used, but the open world of Hogwarts Legacy could have deployed them to greater effect by shining a light on their personalities and values. Centaurs have been in the wizarding world long before the events of Hogwarts Legacy, and the sequel would do well to use their heritage to ground the setting and story in a more historical feel, offering insights and lore tidbits to make it even more immersive.

Centaurs Could Help the Narrative Improve for Hogwarts Legacy's Sequel

Centaur Statue in Hogwarts Legacy

Though Hogwarts Legacy succeeded in immersing fans of the Harry Potter IP into a new RPG where they can role-play as a new student in the school, it fell short somewhat in the story department. Ranrok's rebellion didn't do much to make it truly memorable, and more emotional weight and effective character development can be found in Sebastian Sallow's surprisingly deep quest line.

Hogwarts Legacy's Story Needs a Spark

The narrative is perhaps Hogwarts Legacy's most significant drawback, as exploring the world, battling enemies, and spending time with other students is very well-implemented, making the simple act of existing in the setting Hogwarts Legacy's main source of immersion. The sequel needs to tell a new tale, and this could be achieved by bringing more races, including centaurs, into more prominent roles.

Hogwarts Legacy is set in the late 1800s, around 100 years before the events of Harry Potter .

Centaurs are known for their intellect and proficiency in divination, which could be a fascinating plot device. Getting a glimpse into the past or foreshadowing the future would give the story immense scope and could take advantage of the Harry Potter license's impressive world-building. To bring centaurs closer to the main quest would help separate it from the first game, and improve its chances of besting its efforts rather than falling short of the hype. Even something as simple as having a centaur professor of a Divination class would do wonders to help Hogwarts Legacy's potential sequel capitalize on the depth of the property's characters and races and show how rich its lore truly is.