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Upon unlocking the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy by completing the main quest, players will get to enjoy their own personal space by brewing potions, practicing spells, and planting all kinds of seeds.

As players know, each plant has a specific size in Hogwarts Legacy and it can only be planted inside its corresponding Pot. So, when the protagonists are tasked with planting a large plant while only having access to a Small Pot in the Room of Requirement, it will certainly cause a slight problem.

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How To Get Potting Table With Large Pots In Hogwarts Legacy

tomes and scrolls location in hogwarts legacy

To get a Potting Table with Large Pots in Hogwarts Legacy, simply go to the Tomes and Scrolls shop in Hogsmeade. On the left side of the Hogsmeade entrance is the Tomes and Scrolls shop, marked by a scroll icon on the map. Head inside and talk to the vendor to buy the necessary blueprint, which comes in two sizes; one is a Potting Table with one Large Pot which costs 1,000 Galleons, while the other possesses two Large Pots that costs a whopping 3,000 Galleons.

One of the first missions players will receive is to grow Fluxweed as a form of preparation to learn the Flipendo Spell. This will be one of the two tasks in the second assignment given by Professor Garlick, the Herbology teacher. As for the Fluxweed itself, it can be obtained from the Dogweed and Deathcap store in Hogwarts Legacy or The Magic Neep store in Hogsmeade.

How To Use The Potting Table With Large Pots In Hogwarts Legacy

large potting tables category in hogwarts legacy

It’s crucial that players unlock the Room of Requirement and learn all three Transfiguration spells from Headmistress Weasley during the main quest, which are Evanesco, Conjuring Spell, and Altering Spell in Hogwarts Legacy. Once the protagonists fast travel to the room using Floo Flame, cast the Conjuring Spell to open up an item menu containing 12 Categories.

Now, press the second icon, which is Herbology (it looks like a leaf), and choose the Large Potting Tables sub-category. If the correct blueprint has been purchased, Potting Table with one Large Pot or two Pots will appear in the list. Another crucial factor players need to know in Hogwarts Legacy is that any item in the Room of Requirement needs Moonstones to be crafted. As for the cost of the Potting Table; the table with one Large Pot calls for 10 Moonstones while the two Large Pots version calls for 30. Once the Table is crafted and placed in its spot, interact with it to start planting the purchased seeds.

Where To Get Moonstones

potting table with two large pots price in hogwarts legacy

Moonstones are materials used to craft all available items in the Room of Requirement. To collect some Moonstones, players can:

  • Explore the map, especially by walking towards the Owlery.
  • Purchase it from vendors inside and outside of Hogsmeade.
  • Use the Evanesco spell on unnecessary items inside the Room of Requirement to convert them into Moonstones.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PS5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC. PS4, Xbox One, and Switch versions are currently in development.