Harry Potter fans have been treated to an experience unlike any other thanks to Hogwarts Legacy. Even with its shortcomings, the game has let fans finally live out their Wizarding World dreams while also telling a brand-new magical story that expands the franchise in exciting ways. It has truly been a treat for players, and other franchises may want to take notes from Hogwarts Legacy going forward.

One franchise that could really benefit from a Hogwarts Legacy-like game would be Star Wars. There is no shortage of Star Wars video games on the horizon, but there has yet to be an expansive RPG showing the Jedi at the height of their power. Eras like the High Republic are just waiting for video games set within it, and a Hogwarts Legacy style game seems like the best framework to deliver that type of experience.

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Star Wars Legacy Could Be the Perfect Star Wars Game

Cover Art for Star Wars The High Republic novel Light of the Jedi

Most Star Wars games tend to take place in-between the prequel and original trilogies. Players have gotten to see the rise of the Galactic Empire from many different viewpoints and have watched the Jedi Order fall repeatedly. Some modern Star Wars titles have explored post-Return of the Jedi, but the Jedi Order has long since been dismantled. The only series that really touches on a powerful Jedi Order is the Knights of the Old Republic, but that series has mostly been left to gather dust.

It feels like Star Wars games are more concerned with the fall of the Jedi rather than the height of the Jedi, and that should be changed. The Jedi Order is supposed to be the beacon of hope and safety throughout the galaxy. They may stumble frequently and some of their members may not be that pure, but they helped keep the galaxy together for centuries. Fans have only heard or read about their exploits, but now it is time to show them.

Hogwarts Legacy brought the Harry Potter franchise to a time well before the likes of Voldemort and Grindelwald rose to power. There is still conflict with dark wizards, but it is on a much smaller scale than the major conflicts of the main franchise. Instead, the game showed players a time when the Wizarding World was relatively put together, and when Hogwarts was a shining beacon for witches and wizards. It was as close to the height of Hogwarts as the franchise could probably get, and letting players run wild within its halls led to a magical experience.

If Star Wars is going to show the Jedi Order at its most powerful, then it should copy the formula that Avalanche Software used for Hogwarts Legacy. Give players the chance to create their own Jedi, and then let them explore the halls of the Jedi Temple during a relatively safe period of history. There should obviously be some kind of sinister plot that players must stop, but it should be relatively tame compared to the events of the main series.

There are many eras that Star Wars Legacy could choose from to display the Jedi Order in all its glory. It could take players to the High Republic and pit them against Nihil agents, it could explore the Old Republic again with a brand-new tale, or it could expand on Rey Skywalker's new Jedi Order if the film ends on a happy note. Whatever choice the studio makes, each era offers dozens of Jedi stories just waiting to be told.

There is a ton of potential for a freeform Hogwarts Legacy-like game set within the Star Wars franchise, and playing a game as a Padawan in the Jedi Order feels like the perfect focus for it. If the right developer takes the job, it could lead to one of the most exciting Star Wars games around. While there is no shortage of Star Wars games, this type of experience may be exactly what the franchise needs right now.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with PS4 and Xbox One versions launching May 5 and a Switch port releasing July 25.

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