There are many mods available for Hogwarts Legacy on PC, with some improving the quality of life of players and others making the game more immersive. On the other hand, there are also plenty of silly mods that are just for fun.

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These funny mods for Hogwarts Legacy also come in many forms, from lovable green ogres posing as brooms to mods that transform nasty spiders into tasty burgers. What they all have in common is an inherent ability to make anyone laugh.

7 The Hog-Thomas Express

Hogwarts Legacy Thomas the Tank Engine

The Hogwarts Express is the iconic train that transports students to and from Hogwarts. However, an equally iconic train is Thomas the Tank Engine, and this mod replaces the Hogwarts Express with Thomas.

With this mod installed, players will be able to head down to Hogsmeade Station and see Thomas' cheery face and bright blue coat of paint passing by. Thomas the Tank Engine is certainly not new to moddable games, and in fact, there is even another one within Hogwarts Legacy itself that replaces the broom with Thomas.

6 Magic Gun

Hogwarts Legacy Magic Gun Mod

For players who want more of that Grand Theft Auto spirit in their Hogwarts Legacy gameplay, the Magic Gun mod is absolutely perfect. Carrying a modern gun around instead of a wand certainly has an element of humor to it, especially considering the rustic setting.

While the mod simply replaces the wand and doesn't have any effect on the spells cast, there are other spell mods for Hogwarts Legacy, including one which lets players say the incantations out loud into their headphones.

5 No Spiders - Replace Spider To Burger - Arachnophobia Mod

Hogwarts Legacy Burger Spiders

Spiders are one of the more annoying enemies in Hogwarts Legacy, but for people with Arachnophobia, they can be more than just a trivial problem. While there are a few mods that combat this phobia head-on, one of the more hilarious responses is a mod that turns all spiders into burgers. Instead of being scared, players will now be able to laugh as they vanquish these burgers.

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The mod even goes as far as to replace any image of spiders, such as those depicted on signs or the Arithmancy Door puzzles. Naturally, these too have been replaced by tasty-looking burgers.

4 Ford Anglia 105e

Hogwarts Legacy Ford Anglia Mod

There are many great broom mods for Hogwarts Legacy, but one of the best turns the broom into Arthur Weasley's Ford Anglia, the very car in which Harry and Ron flew to Hogwarts in their second year.

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First sold in 1959, this car is completely anachronistic for the late 19th-century setting of Hogwarts Legacy, but seeing it flying around rural Victorian villages is exactly what makes it so funny. Furthermore, if players avoid crashing their cars, unlike Harry and Ron, they will be able to rock up to every mission and Merlin Trial in style.

3 Lightsaber Wands

Hogwarts Legacy Lightsaber Mod

The crossing over of fandoms is always funny and that is no less the case than when the world of Harry Potter meets the Star Wars franchise. With this mod players will be able to replace their wands with a lightsaber of their choice, taking on the guise of an undercover Jedi or Sith attending Hogwarts.

Currently, there are three lightsaber wands available, two of which are a simple green and blue, with the third being a red lightsaber inspired by the one which Kylo Ren wielded.

2 Voldemort - Character

voldemort mod in hogwarts legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is set decades before a certain Tom Riddle was born and even longer before he would take up the title of Lord Voldemort. Nevertheless, players who wish to attend Hogwarts as Voldemort in his late sixties as a fifth-year student now can!

The hilarity of attending classes and sitting through cutscenes as Voldemort is unrivaled, especially if players opt for the overly nice dialogue options which go against his nature. Specific quests also make this fantastic character mod even funnier, as players will attempt to rescue cute Mooncalves called Biscuit for example.

1 Shrek Broom

Hogwarts Legacy Shrek Broom Mod

While there are many fantastic brooms in Hogwarts Legacy, one of the most hilarious mods for the game replaces the broom with the internet's favorite ogre, Shrek. Flying around on the back of Shrek, players can take in the beautiful scenery surrounding Hogwarts in an entirely different way.

It is hard not to laugh the first time seeing this silly mod but experiencing it in-game is something else. The juxtaposition of the incredibly immersive Victorian wizarding world with a massive green ogre flying around is just too perfect.

Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with PS4 and Xbox One versions coming May 5 and a Switch release dropping July 25.

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