Hogwarts Legacy is a massive open-world game with a myriad of locations waiting to be explored. One of the best things about wandering the castle, villages, and surrounding countryside are coming across hilarious and surprising interactions that randomly trigger.

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While Hogwarts itself is home to many of these, some of the best can be found in Hogsmeade or even further afield. From Dragons swooping down unexpectedly to socks that force their wearer into a merry jig, the best thing about these interactions is that just when you think you've seen them all, another will appear.

7 The Hogsmeade Ghosts Playing With Their heads

Hogwarts Legacy Ghosts Playing Catch

The ghosts within Hogwarts Legacy are notorious for providing more than their fair share of comedic relief, and those found in the Hogsmeade graveyard are no different. If players head down to the Hogsmeade cemetery at night they will very often come across a hive of spectral activity.

Among the ghosts making the most out of their night are a pair playing catch with one of their dismembered heads. Even more hilarious is another pair of ghosts who are using one of their heads to try and knock down another one that has gotten stuck atop a tombstone.

6 Bingle & Blatch, The 3-In-1 Shop

Hogwarts Legacy Bingle & Blatch Shop

One of the many shops in Hogsmeade proudly bears the name Bingle & Batch, but this store is unlike any other in the famed wizarding village. By entering the shop through its three different doors, players will find that the interior is completely different depending on which door they used.

One version of the shop appears to be for clientele who might be interested in fine art or books, and another seems to be for tailors, while the final door leads to a grimy workshop full of used cauldrons. The experience of entering these doors and coming to the realization of the magical nature of the shop is quite amusing.

5 Students Falling Off Brooms

Hogwarts Legacy Student Fallen Off Broom

Watching people fall is universally funny, and this is no different in the wizarding world. If players head down to Spintwitches Sporting Needs, where five of the thirteen brooms in Hogwarts Legacy can be purchased, they will often find students trying out brooms.

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Sometimes though, these students aren't the most experienced of flyers and simply hovering is too much for them. Watching them fall is even more satisfying after recently breaking the time record on one of Imelda Reyes' time trials.

4 Shoplifters Caught In Zonko's

Hogwarts Legacy Shoplifters Caught At Zonko's

Zonko's Joke Shop is one of the main attractions in Hogsmeade for Hogwarts students, and for some individuals, the allure of magical pranks and toys is too much. Two such individuals can be seen being chucked out of the shop by an angry owner who appears to use the Leg-Locker Curse, Locomotor Mortis, on them.

Caught in the act of stealing and apparently not for the first time, their pleas of innocence are hilariously punctuated by the sounds of stolen fireworks set off. As each firework goes off from inside their robes, the pair of mischievous Hogwarts students claim that it was the last one, only for more to set off. The shopkeeper sees them off with two final remarks about Azkaban and talking to their mother, with the latter remark being seen as too harsh.

3 A Botched Niffler Sale

Hogwarts Legacy Hogsmeade Station

By wandering down to Hogsmeade Station, players might stumble upon an attempted, and likely illegal, sale of a niffler. As players approach, a dodgy-sounding wizard will attempt to solicit a trade with a witch. Before long she realizes that the offered bag is moving and fears there are rats inside.

Players will then be able to spot a niffler who proceeds to escape and cause plenty of chaos. Knowing the nature of mischievous nifflers from the Harry Potter books and the Fantastic Beasts films makes this interaction even more hilarious.

2 A Dragon Swooping Down

Hogwarts Legacy Ranrok Dragon

One of the most surprising things that can happen while exploring the beautiful Scottish Highlands is seeing a large shadow descend out of nowhere. The next thing players will notice is the thunderous flaps of colossal wings, and then just as any fear reaches its peak, the dragon will have swept down and flown off with a tasty Highland cattle or sheep.

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Life intact it is hard not to laugh and simultaneously marvel at this incredible yet natural event, although the unfortunate cow or sheep in question might not agree.

1 Magical Dancing Socks

Hogwarts Legacy Dancing Socks

An extremely rare interaction that only a minority of players will have witnessed, is the ensuing conversation after a witch and her son emerge from the clothing store, Gladrags Wizardwear. The boy, a student at Hogwarts, is unhappy with the cheaper option of socks that his mother has forced upon him, and rightly so as they make him dance a merry jig.

As the two of them argue, a little girl sitting with her father makes the encounter even more hilarious by providing tactless commentary on the dancing boy, whose mother has just told him that nobody will notice. Every single one of the witch's arguments is humorously disproved, but as she is unwilling to spend another knut, her son has to attend school in novelty socks.

Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X with PS4 and Xbox One versions coming April 4 and a Switch release dropping July 25.

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