Hogwarts Legacy has proven to be a massive success, providing players with a truly magical experience, especially when exploring the castle. Among the many features that help bring Hogwarts to life are the small interactions that randomly trigger as the player walks past.

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Ranging from agitated suits of armor and marriages still failing in the afterlife to spells gone sour for students, these little moments are quite capable of causing fits of laughter. While the mechanics behind these interactions are impressive, it is the writing which shines brightest, producing some of the most hilarious lines in all of Hogwarts Legacy​​​​.

7 Howlers

Hogwarts Legacy Howler

The experience of receiving a Howler from an angry parent, in front of all your peers, is one of the worst things that can happen to a student at Hogwarts. However, for everyone else, it is usually quite funny.

This is no different in Hogwarts Legacy where it isn't too rare to come across an animated letter mid-rant. Stopping and listening to these is not only immersive, as real students would stop to gawk, but it is also well worth the time as there are often humorous reasons for the parent's anger.

6 Peeves

Hogwarts Legacy Peeves the poltergeist

Peeves the poltergeist is a nuisance through and through, but when it comes to funny interactions, he has plenty up his sleeve. As part of his eternal mission to cause chaos at Hogwarts, players will witness him sliding down banisters, juggling flaming objects, and diving through floors, all to the sound of his own glee.

Best of all though are the times when the player stumbles upon him tormenting other students with fantastically crafted songs that rhyme in all the right places. The interaction that triggers as a student comes out of the bathroom is the cream of the crop when it comes to these, but it wouldn't be as fun to watch in real life, knowing you could be next.

5 Talking Mirrors

Hogwarts Legacy Talking Mirror

Throughout Hogwarts and beyond, players will come across a range of talking mirrors, all of which are more than happy to share their opinion on the main character's appearance.

Whether the mirror has something nice to say or not, the voice lines are delivered perfectly and usually produce a laugh or two. What some players might not know, is that talking mirrors are a thing in the Harry Potter books too, although the ones that Harry encounters tend to be even more critical.

4 A Levitating Student

Hogwarts Legacy Levitating Student Funny Interaction

There are many funny student interactions that players will witness in Hogwarts Legacy, but one of the best starts with a young wizard stuck levitating in the air. While this is funny in its own right, the reactions of his friends turn it into a moment to remember.

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At first, the two girls try to help their friend by pulling him down, but then one of them suddenly remembers they have homework due and they both decide this takes priority. They leave the poor boy stranded in the air with promises to come back to help him in the morning.

3 Spectral Spouses Having A Spat

Hogwarts Legacy Married Ghost Couple Fighting

There are a myriad of ghosts who call Hogwarts their home, and as night descends, players will see these spirits getting up to all sorts. While some ghosts use the castle as a ballroom, others hone their sword skills, and then there is that one dysfunctional couple.

At various points around the castle, players will watch in both horror and glee, as an axe-wielding ghost manically chases her husband, who clearly did something wrong a few centuries ago. Their nightly bickering oddly becomes a source of comfort within the castle and never gets old.

2 Grumpy Gargoyle

Hogwarts Legacy Talking Stone Gargoyle

One of the funniest interactions players can encounter is a grumpy gargoyle just inside the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. As players walk past they will hear him lamenting, mostly about the students he has to put up with.

In one of his best voice lines, all of which have been brilliantly voice acted, he fondly recalls the year 1421 when a Hufflepuff girl complemented his stonework. He will also admit lying to students, who he sees as arrogant and deserving of the Troll grade in exams.

1 Murderous Suits Of Armor

Hogwarts Legacy Suit Of Armor Destroying Another

It's safe to say that there is no shortage of suits of armor in Hogwarts Legacy, and while they all have life and character to them, not all of them can control their temper. Some suits of armor stand on guard as part of a pair, and on their seemingly eternal shifts, a few hum to better pass the time.

As players walk past, they will notice that this humming is often followed by a shove from the other guard, who is none too happy about the disturbance of peace. However, there are some rare occasions when the agitated suit of armor will go further and in fact brutally murder its fellow guard, leaving the player unsure whether to laugh or run.

Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X with PS4 and Xbox One versions coming April 4 and a Switch release dropping July 25.

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