A delightful array of information has finally been revealed of the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy. With the title receiving its own State of Play presentation on March 17, the veil has finally been lifted for fans who have been waiting a long time for information relevant to the game.

Fan buzz and hype surrounding Hogwarts Legacy has seriously picked up as a result of the State of Play presentation, with the game set to come out this year. The presentation revealed the physical and temporal setting of Hogwarts Legacy, as well as what iconic classes within the famous wizarding school would be available to players.

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The Basics of Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy forest

Hogwarts Legacy is an upcoming action adventure role playing game set in a sprawling open world. The game takes place within the Harry Potter universe, mainly the acclaimed wizarding school of Hogwarts, and is set in the 1800s, long before the events of the books and films.

The game will see players embroiled in the lifestyle of a student at Hogwarts, eventually voyaging on a "dangerous journey to uncover a hidden truth of the wizarding world." Players will be able to learn and master a variety of spells, upgrade their abilities, brew potions, and tame wild beasts as just a fraction of their exploration. The game is being developed by Avalanche Software and is being published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

As important as all of these aspects of gameplay undoubtedly are, it is difficult to overstate the importance of classes within Hogwarts, and the function they serve within the story and gameplay. The unique classes available to players will be integral in teaching new skills, abilities, and aspects of gameplay, as well as offering upgrades and masteries of different parts of wizarding life.


Hogwarts Legacy Protego Spell

The first class shown during Hogwarts Legacy's State of Play was that of the Charms class. Through the Charms class, players will be able to learn the fundamental Charms that any wizard or witch cannot go without when adventuring throughout the magical realm.

A charm within the Harry Potter universe is defined as a spell that adds certain properties to an object or individual. Even the most casual of fans will know of the most famous charms, with Wingardium Leviosa being one of the most iconic spells of the entire franchise. Charms appear to be taught by a wizened and charismatic older Professor, with the class teaching players the spells necessary to negotiate the secrets and puzzles of Hogwarts Legacy, as well as combat.

Defense Against the Dark Arts

hogwarts legacy combat magic spells duels

One of the other prominent core classes featured in the State of Play was Defense Against the Dark Arts. This class is rooted in teaching students the fundamentals of spell-based combat within the wizarding world.

Players will learn crucial elements of combat gameplay within this class, with spell combat being a pivotal factor of Hogwarts Legacy. The class will involve dueling against other students, with the player learning and developing their affinity for magical combat through both theory and practical experience.


hogwarts legacy herbology

Herbology is an unpredictably vital class that will be available within Hogwarts Legacy. The class concerns itself with the identification and utilization of the plethora of magical flora that players will encounter during the game.

Shown in the Hogwarts Legacy gameplay trailer to be taught by a fittingly whimsical Professor, players can learn to use different plants effectively via brewing, as well as what plants are best avoided. With how often players will come into contact with various, sometimes sentient, plants throughout the game, this is a class that should not be underestimated.


hogwarts legacy multiplayer co-op gameplay single-player

The final class that was explicitly mentioned within the State of Play is that of the Potions Class. Teaching the player the fundamentals of brewing potentially life-saving and stat-boosting potions, this class is undoubtedly one of the most important.

The class will outline the required ingredients, magical abilities, and brewing methods for a litany of potions that can be used in both passive and adversarial situations. With combat being so severe that the killing spell "Avada Kedarva" is present within Hogwarts Legacy, players will want to pay attention as to what potions can provide them with the biggest advantages when exploring the magical realm.

Hogwarts Legacy is coming Holiday 2022 to Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Hogwarts Legacy Will Not Have Multiplayer