Hogwarts Legacy is a smash hit so far, earning rave reviews from critics and breaking sales records for the Harry Potter franchise. While many expected Hogwarts Legacy to be popular, it seems the game is exceeding expectations, and so one has to imagine developer Avalanche Software would want to capitalize on its popularity with a DLC expansion.

Unfortunately, there are currently no plans for Hogwarts Legacy DLC. Right now, it seems Avalanche Software is focused on releasing updates that refine the Hogwarts Legacy experience on the platforms it's currently available on while preparing to bring the game to PS4, Switch, and Xbox One a little later this year. However, the game's incredible sales success means that while DLC may not be in the works yet, it may be eventually be considered.

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Hogwarts Legacy DLC has not been announced at the time of this writing, but if a DLC expansion ever comes out for the game, it has some obvious directions to go in.


hogwarts legacy broom

Perhaps the most obvious route for Hogwarts Legacy to go when it comes to a potential DLC expansion is adding Quidditch to the game. Quidditch is the most popular sport in the Wizarding World, but due to an incident on the field in the year before Hogwarts Legacy, the sport has no real presence in the game at all. Players can travel to the Quidditch pitch and fly around on their broom, but they can't actually play the game.

Quidditch is easily one of the most requested features for Hogwarts Legacy, so adding it to the game would be a no-brainer. However, there must be a reason why Quidditch wasn't added to Hogwarts Legacy in the first place (beyond the storyline reason why there's no Quidditch, of course). Quidditch does have some rather strange rules after all, and they may make it difficult for Quidditch to translate all that well to a video game format to the standards that the developers would want to see.

Quidditch has been featured in previous Harry Potter games, and there was even one release based entirely around the sport in the form of 2003's Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup. However, those iterations of video game Quidditch were met with decidedly mixed reviews, so it's possible a version of the sport in Hogwarts Legacy DLC would take a much different approach.


hogwarts legacy wizard duel

Not every game needs multiplayer, but Hogwarts Legacy is the kind of game that could definitely benefit from multiplayer integration. If Quidditch were added to Hogwarts Legacy, for example, it would be huge if it had online multiplayer support of some kind, allowing players to compete against each other on the Quidditch pitch and significantly boosting the mode's replay value as a result. Online multiplayer support could enhance various other activities in Hogwarts Legacy as well, which would make multiplayer DLC for the game worthwhile.

Hogwarts Legacy has some competitive activities that have players squaring off against AI-controlled opponents, but it's safe to say that these activities would be much better as PvP. Things like Summoner's Court and the Dueling Club could be a lot of fun with multiplayer added, though fans shouldn't hold their breath. Multiplayer DLC for Hogwarts Legacy seems even less likely than Quidditch DLC, though it seems like an obvious route for the developers to go.

While multiplayer doesn't seem likely for Hogwarts Legacy DLC, a Hogwarts Legacy multiplayer mod is already in the works, so Harry Potter fans on PC will eventually be able to adventure around Hogwarts with a friend in an unofficial capacity.

Azkaban, Diagon Alley, Ministry of Magic, and Other Famous Locations

Hogwarts Legacy_Azkaban Guide Image

Hogwarts Legacy's open world does a good job of letting players visit many iconic locations from the Harry Potter books and movies, but there's more that could be done. Some iconic locations don't make an appearance at all in the game, or if they do, it's only for a fleeting moment. This includes places like the infamous wizard prison Azkaban, the shopping hub Diagon Alley, and the Ministry the Magic, the latter of which is featured prominently in the later Harry Potter books and movies.

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Diagon Alley plays a significant role in the Harry Potter books and movies as well. It's one of the first magical places that Harry Potter visits with Hagrid, as the two of them go there to purchase his school supplies. Hogsmeade and its shops fill that role in Hogwarts Legacy, but perhaps access to Diagon Alley would give players access to new items that they can't purchase in the small Hogwarts castle-adjacent village. The sinister Knockturn Alley would also be a great option for Hogwarts Legacy DLC, as it could be the catalyst for all sorts of interesting stories about the Dark Arts.

While players don't get to visit the Ministry of Magic or Diagon Alley at all, Hufflepuff students in Hogwarts Legacy do have the chance to visit Azkaban, though only briefly. While it would be tricky to figure out a narrative reason for Hogwarts Legacy players to visit Azkaban outside the Hufflepuff quest, it seems like it would be worthwhile as it would give players the chance to face Dementors, some of the series' most recognizable villains, as well as see the Patronus charm in action.

New Spells

hogwarts legacy dementors azkaban hufflepuff

Speaking of the Patronus charm, it's one of the most glaring omissions from the Hogwarts Legacy spell list. Since players don't have to fight Dementors in the game, it tracks that they wouldn't necessarily need to learn the Patronus charm, but it would still be great to see the spell implemented as part of some DLC, especially if said DLC took players back to Azkaban.

Hogwarts Legacy lets players connect their Wizarding World account to the game, transferring information like what the house they should be sorted into and other details. One's Patronus charm ir Wizarding World account as well, so that would be another reason to see the charm added to the game eventually. There are other spells that Hogwarts Legacy could add to the mix for puzzle solving and combat purposes, but the Patronus charm is likely at the top of near everyone's list.


Hogwarts Legacy Slytherin Witch Petting Cat

One aspect of Harry Potter lore that Hogwarts Legacy doesn't touch on is how students are allowed to bring pets to the castle. There are cats roaming around Hogwarts, but players themselves can't get a pet of their own (discounting the beasts they capture for the vivariums in the Room of Requirement). Traditionally, Hogwarts students can bring an owl, a cat, or a toad with them to school, though Ron Weasley infamously brought his pet rat Scabbers and other students have had brought other creatures to school as pets as well.

It would be great for Hogwarts Legacy to add a proper pet system to the game so players could bring a companion with them on their adventures, or at least have someone to hang out with in their house common room. Pet customization would also be a great way to expand the loot available in the Hogwarts Legacy open world, giving players more reasons to keep exploring and battling enemies well after they've reached the game's end credits.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X with PS4 and Xbox One versions coming April 4 and a Switch port dropping July 25.

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