Hogwarts Legacy has caught the attention of Harry Potter fans thanks to its vast scope and detail, as well as its faithfulness to the source material. The game will allow players to explore Hogwarts castle and live the life of a magical student, complete with broomstick riding and Hogsmeade visits. Judging by past gameplay trailers, it looks to be an incredibly immersive experience.

There will also be dark plots unfolding, courtesy of a sinister wizard named Victor Rookwood and his faction of Dark Wizards. He appears to be an interesting character, but it still remains a mystery why he has chosen the dark route, and why he makes the strange alliances he does in Hogwarts Legacy. If he is anything like other Dark Wizards in the Harry Potter series, he and his crew will have some strong belief motivating their cause.

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The Dark Wizards of Hogwarts Legacy

Screenshot of Hogwarts Legacy Daily Prophet Ranrok's Goblin Rebellion

Hogwarts Legacy will focus on the life of a Hogwarts student as they begin their fifth year. Consequently, players will have to get sorted into one of the four houses before they attend magical classes where they will learn how to tame magical animals and craft potions. Players will also be able to make friends, and as their bond with their companion grows, they will unlock more of their useful abilities and find out more about their backstory.

As gamers explore Hogwarts castle and uncover its secrets, they will also come across some darker forces that will form Hogwarts Legacy's plot. This will occur, for instance, through the Goblin Rebellion. In the Wizarding World, Goblin Rebellions are nothing rare, and Goblins revolt against wizards every so often to demand equal treatment. It is easy to sympathize with the Goblins, as throughout the Harry Potter series, wizards and witches are shown to believe in their superiority over other magical species.

Although there may be noble underlying intentions, it appears that there will be sinister elements associated with Hogwarts Legacy's Goblin Rebellion. It has been revealed that the rebellion will be led by Ranrok, a Goblin who loathes all wizards and witches. However, he is willing to put that aside to work with a group of Dark Wizards led by Victor Rookwood.

What Is Rookwood's Motivation?

hogwarts legacy victor rookwood

Not much has been revealed about Rookwood and his Dark Wizards, though it is likely they are very interested in the powerful "ancient magic" that the player will have ties to, and which Ranrok desires. However, Dark Wizards in the Harry Potter universe seldom want power for its own sake, and there is usually an underlying belief or philosophy motivating their malevolence. Lord Voldemort desired both immortality and the supremacy of pure-blooded wizards and witches, and Grindelwald wanted to dominate muggles. It is not yet clear what is driving Rookwood, nor is evident what he stands to gain from working with Ranrok, who hates his kind. Their goals may overlap in some aspects, but their partnership is one that is doomed from the start.

With the recent delay, players will have to wait a little longer to discover the answers to all the burning questions surrounding Hogwarts Legacy. Past trailers have shown that plenty of dark magic will be present in the game, and players will even be able to use the Avada Kedavra curse. It will be interesting to see just how far villains - and players - can go along the dark path.

Hogwarts Legacy is scheduled to release on February 10, 2022, on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, with a Nintendo Switch port also in development.

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