Hogwarts Legacy combat has proven to be tricky for some players to master. Hogwarts Legacy puts players in the role of a fifth-year Hogwarts student who quickly amasses a powerful arsenal of spells. Even with dangerous spells at their disposal, though, some Hogwarts Legacy players may struggle with the game's combat sections, particularly when they have to fight large groups of enemies all at once.

Hogwarts Legacy combat is unique in that it mostly consists of ranged attacks, but it certainly doesn't feel like a shooter game. It has a lot more in common with melee-focused games like the Batman: Arkham series than anything else, and players will come to discover that as they battle their way through hordes of Dark Wizards, goblins, trolls, and other dangerous creatures they come across during their adventure.

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Here is how Hogwarts Legacy players can improve their combat performance and win battles much easier.

Level Up Protego and Learn to Parry

Hogwarts Legacy gives players Talent points by leveling up, which can in turn be used to upgrade spells in the game. Any Hogwarts Legacy players struggling with the game's combat should be sure to level up Protego as soon as possible and learn to parry. Parrying incoming attacks will make it so the Hogwarts Legacy player character responds with Stupefy, an effective spell that can even destroy enemy shields.

Look at Your Character, Not the Enemies

Hogwarts Legacy Protego Spell

In most video games, it's best for one to keep an eye on the enemies they're fighting, but the opposite is true for Hogwarts Legacy. Hogwarts Legacy players should actually keep their eye on the player character, as they'll get all the information they need to succeed in combat. An orange symbol will appear over their head when an incoming attack can be blocked with Protego and parried with Stupefy, while a red symbol means an unblockable attack is coming and players will want to roll out of the way.

Hogwarts Legacy players do not have to manually aim their spells at enemies; the game will automatically fling spells at enemies. The only thing to keep in mind is that some enemies have shields that can only be broken using specific spells, hitting them with Stupefy, or throwing an object. So while Hogwarts Legacy players will occasionally need to take note of the enemies they're fighting, staying focused on the player character will dramatically reduce how much they're getting hit in fights.

Use Mandrakes

Hogwarts Legacy Herbology Class Mandrake

Hogwarts Legacy lets players grow various types of plants that they can then use in combat, with one of the most useful being the Mandrake. Mandrakes stun enemies in Hogwarts Legacy and can be easily grown. Once they have the Room of Requirement unlocked, Hogwarts Legacy players can significantly increase their Mandrake supply, in turn ensuring that they are always ready to utilize the helpful creatures in tough combat situations.

Have One of Each Spell Type Equipped

There are some absolutely deadly Hogwarts Legacy spell combos that players can dish out, but those struggling with combat will want to keep things simple. Hogwarts Legacy players have a limited number of spells they can have equipped at any time, so it's best to have one of each readily available to deal with the aforementioned enemy shields. Hogwarts Legacy spells are color-coded, so players will want at least one purple spell, one yellow spell, and one red spell equipped at all times. The other spells are not used in combat.

Players can have four spells available to them without having to cycle through other presets or open their Field Guide, so there will be an extra slot. It's recommended that players use this slot for another red spell, as red spells are primarily used for combat and tend to deal the most damage. It would be best for players to make sure they have a fire spell equipped at all times like Incendio or Confringo. Confringo is a bit more versatile than Incendio because it has more range, but upgraded Incendio can hit multiple enemies at once if they're close enough. Regardless, having a fire spell handy will help Hogwarts Legacy players make quick work of spider enemies as well as open up the Inferni to taking damage.

Learn Avada Kedavra

hogwarts legacy avada kedavra killing curse nerf balance unforgivable curses

By completing Sabastian Sallow's questline, Hogwarts Legacy players can learn all three Unforgivable Curses: Avada Kedavra, Curcio, and Imperio. All three of these can be incredibly useful in combat. Crucio tortures anyone unlucky enough to be hit by it, leaving them immobile and effectively removing an enemy from the fight for a limited time. Imperio makes an enemy work on the side of the player, giving Hogwarts Legacy witches and wizards an extra ally for a short period of time. And finally, Avada Kedavra kills enemies in one hits, and this can even apply to some of the bosses in the game.

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Avada Kedavra has a long cooldown in Hogwarts Legacy, but even so, it's a lifesaver when it comes to dealing with the game's more dangerous enemies. Troll fights in Hogwarts Legacy can be particularly dangerous and time-consuming, so Avada Kedavra speeds things up considerably.

Now, the downside is Hogwarts Legacy players can't get Avada Kedavra right off the bat. As previously stated, one has to pretty much complete Sabastian Sallow's questline completely to get the ultra-powerful spell. This won't be a helpful tip for Hogwarts Legacy players that are still at the beginning or middle of the game, but it's definitely something work seeking out as players reach the end of their adventure.

Use Stealth Whenever Possible

hogwarts legacy stealth gameplay combat invisibility petrificus totalus perks skills

Hogwarts Legacy combat is its most challenging when players are forced to fight large groups of enemies all at once. Luckily, there are many times when this isn't even necessary. Hogwarts Legacy players can use stealth to sneak up on enemies and take them out with a single button press. Sometimes they will be able to clear out entire enemy encampments this way, but even if they're eventually caught, they should have a lot of fewer enemies to fight head-on.

There are a couple of different ways Hogwarts Legacy players can utilize stealth in the game, both of which involve turning their player character invisible. One way to do this is with the Disillusionment Spell, which is unlocked fairly early on in the game. Like other Hogwarts Legacy spells, the Disillusionment spell can be upgraded; this way, players can make it more difficult for enemies to see through their illusion. Players can even get an upgrade that lets them sprint while Disillusionment is active, speeding up these stealthy combat encounters considerably.

The other way one can become invisible in Hogwarts Legacy is by drinking the Invisibility Potion. The Invisibility Potion can be obtained the same way as any other potion in Hogwarts Legacy. Players can purchase it from the potion shop in Hogsmeade or brew their own using cauldrons in the Potions Classroom or the Room of Requirement, assuming they have the correct ingredients handy. However, it should be noted that the Invisibility Potion is not nearly as effective as the Disillusionment Spell. Its effects are only active for a brief period of time, and it's better used to get away while already in the middle of combat as opposed to avoiding it.

With these tips in mind, Hogwarts Legacy players should be able to significantly improve their performance in combat. It will still require practice, but this way most Hogwarts Legacy players will be able to defeat the game's toughest enemies and complete its most harrowing combat encounters.

Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X with PS4 and Xbox One versions coming April 4 and a Nintendo Switch port dropping July 25.

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