Harry Potter fans might have been excited to explore Hogwarts Legacy’s Chamber of Secrets, but sadly it did not come to pass. As those who played the game are now aware, Salazar Slytherin’s secret chamber is inaccessible at the moment. And while Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t allow fans any means to see the actual chamber, that may not be the case forever.

There’s a glitch that players can observe in the Slytherin Common Room, which takes place on the stairs to the girls' domitories, on the right from the entrance. The top of the stairs has been known to show a lengthy creature moving across the screen. While it was earlier believed to be the Basilisk from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, that is not the case. This is unfortunate, as many fans expected to see Slytherin’s monster in Hogwarts Legacy due to the presence of the founder’s direct descendant in the game and more teasers.

Hogwarts Legacy's Most Touching Easter Egg Is Likely to Go Unnoticed

A very special Easter egg included in Hogwarts Legacy is likely to go unnoticed by many players who are unaware of its location and purpose.

Hogwarts Legacy’s Chamber of Secrets and Basilisk Are Unavailable, For Now

The aforementioned Hogwarts Legacy glitch, or Easter Egg as many may call it, shows a Giant Squid’s tentacle moving past, and not Salazar Slytherin’s King of Serpents, the Basilisk. The movement is uncannily similar to how the giant snake moved in the second Harry Potter movie, but that is where the similarity ends. On closer look, fans can clearly see that it’s a different creature, given the lack of scales, and the skin tone and texture.

The Basilisk is known to roam within Hogwarts’ walls and pipes, and never in public places as in the common room. It did roam a bit in the corridors in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, but that was under Tom Riddle’s orders. Aside from that, it is known that Hogwarts' Slytherin Common Room is under the Black Lake, casting the room in a murky, green glow. The lake also plays host to the Giant Squid, along with Grindylows, Mermen, and whatnot. Given these points, the culprit of Hogwarts Legacy’s Chamber of Secrets Easter Egg speaks for itself. The creature seen moving through the Slytherin Common Room is not the Basilisk.

After the recorded clip from X user MaximCrain went viral, speculation arose about whether there is some secret way to encounter the serpent. While it has not been found yet, many fans have placed faith in a theory adjacent to this. It is believed that the glitch is a remnant of developers testing the Basilisk’s movement, with its presence thus giving them hope for the game’s future.

Hogwarts Legacy's Chamber of Secrets May Appear in a Surprise DLC

Hogwarts Legacy’s Chamber of Secrets was one of the first locations that players looked for, especially those who were sorted into Slytherin, the house of the cunning and ambitious. The entrance to the chamber can be easily seen - the witches' bathroom on the right, after entering the dungeons, has the iconic sink marked with a serpent. Aside from this, a key character and Slytherin’s descendant, Ominis Gaunt, talks about hearing a monster speaking from within the walls and moving around the castle. This is not a surprise, as he is a Parselmouth, and the family line is aware of the Chamber of Secrets, and Slytherin’s Scriptorium as well.

While the developers earlier refuted claims of any Hogwarts Legacy DLC, it is an open secret that a lot material was cut from the game. Quidditch, a good chunk of map, and a morality system are but a few of them. Given that Ominis Gaunt is a Parselmouth and the way the story reveals a good bit about the Gaunts, it would not be much of a stretch to see at least an additional quest or two going deeper into this matter. There is also a Daily Prophet clipping in a Hogsmeade cart that talks about a wizard getting arrested for breeding Basilisks. Further, another strong fact works for this theory. The Wizard World website lists canon lore, written by J.K. Rowling herself, and it says there's "clear evidence that the Chamber was opened more than once between the death of Slytherin and the entrance of Tom Riddle in the twentieth century."

There is clear evidence that the Chamber was opened more than once between the death of Slytherin and the entrance of Tom Riddle in the twentieth century.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 is all but confirmed, but there seems to be room for a DLC that allows players to explore the Chamber of Secrets and maybe even fight the Basilisk. It is known that the creature is still alive when the game takes place, since Tom Riddle unleashes it decades later in 1942, so even a general encounter would not go amiss.