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In Hogwarts Legacy, players can utilize the Talent Points they acquire throughout the game to customize their favorite spells. This allows players to customize their witch or wizard to their preferred play style, such as increasing the effectiveness of crowd control spells or causing their combat magic to have additional benefits.

There are also, however, a few talents that are more for utility purposes that players may wish to consider acquiring first. These are the best Talents to unlock with the first few Talent Points players will obtain in Hogwarts Legacy.

Talent Points

Talent Points are acquired through leveling up in the lands around Hogwarts. Upon every level up after level 5, players will be awarded a talent point to spend on their character, customizing their abilities.

Players will have to reach a specific quest in the story as well before the Talent menu can be accessed. This quest to find the Map Chamber starts differently depending on which house players belong to, but it will always end with players encountering the ghost of Richard Jackdaw, who will prompt players into finding his remains in a cave hidden in the Forbidden Forest. Once this is done and the cave explored, players will encounter the portrait of Professor Rackham, after which players will have their talent trees unlocked.

Talent Window Hogwarts Legacy

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Best Early Talents in Hogwarts Legacy

Some of the most useful talents in the game, at least in the beginning, are the utility talents that improve the overall function of characters in the game. These are the Spell Wheel Talents, which will give players access to additional spell hotkeys that they can cycle, and the Wiggenweld Potion talent, which increases the amount of healing a Wiggenweld will provide a player.

Core Talents Wiggenweld

More spell wheel slots allow players to slot and switch which set of spells they are using at the touch of a couple of buttons. This is useful as players learn new spells, as instead of having to open the menu every time they want to make a switch, they can just set those spells into a new wheel.

This also lets players switch which group of spells they are using in combat, giving them access to many different spells if their current spell wheel is on cooldown. During a fight, though, players may be more concerned with their health than their number of available spells. Luckily, there are a few talents for that as well.

Best Core Talents

Having more health on a Wiggenweld Potion provides some obvious benefits as well. More healing will increase the survivability of players significantly, decreasing the number of plants that have to be grown and saves them from having to replenish their supply of healing potions. At higher levels, players will also have the option of increasing this healing a second time, further improving the strength of the Wiggenweld Potion’s ability to heal the player. For more aggressive early-game talents, there are several to choose from.

Best Early Combat Talents

If players prefer to jump into the thick of combat, there are numerous talents that can be chosen that will improve their capabilities in a fight. The first of these are the spell improvement talents in the Spells category.

These talents will add additional effects to spells that players may find helpful depending on their difficulty settings, such as being able to use Accio on multiple targets in one cast or the ability to have their Diffindo spell hit more targets.

Accio Talent Hogwarts Legacy

These talents will make spells useful against several different types of enemies. Another of these talents will allow a player's basic attacks to decrease the cooldown of their other spells, allowing them to combo more effectively. But if stealth is more appealing to players, then players have access to a small talent tree centered around the Disillusionment Charm.

Best Early Stealth Talents

Stealth Talents Hogwarts Legacy

The level 5 stealth talents will allow sneaky players to have an easier time avoiding enemies, as well as providing some utility in the form of allowing players to sprint while sneaking around. Further, it allows players to sneak up on eye chests to gain more galleons. If players are looking for sneaky ways of dealing with goblin camps or wandering poachers, this tree is a good one to invest in early.

Best Dark Magic Talents

Dark Magic Hogwarts Legacy

If playing as a dark witch or wizard, players will be able to upgrade some of their spells to have additional effects. These talents allow players to augment some of their offensive or crowd control spells, including the Unforgivable Curses, which the rest of the tree will take advantage of by augmenting how curses work. If players intend to build a character around dark magic and curses, these talents are worth looking into.

Best Room of Requirement Talents

If players intend to utilize a lot of potions and plants produced in the Room of Requirement, then the Room of Requirement talents will prove useful. These talents will increase the effectiveness of the various brewable potions, such as the Edurus potion and the Maxima Potion.

Room of Requirement Talents Hogwarts Legacy

This tree also contains upgrades for the various plants that can be grown and utilized in combat, such as giving the player the ability to duplicate their Chinese Chomping Cabbage. If players plan on relying on the growable plants in the game, this can be a worthwhile talent to make supplies last longer.

Chomping Cabbage

These choices, along with choices in gear upgrades, allow players to greatly diversify their witch or wizard based on their preferred style with powerful augmentation to their spells and abilities. Regardless of how they wish to approach the game, players should have the means of choosing talents that will enable them to play the game in their own way, and these early talents can help players define their style early in the story of Hogwarts Legacy.

Players should be aware that there is no way to reallocate their talents once they are chosen, so any choice made by players will be permanent for that playthrough.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now for PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.