It takes a while, but eventually, players will unlock a skill tree known as Talents in Hogwarts Legacy. This will upgrade spell potency through various means. Unless players like to use plants and potions in battle, besides the healing one, the Room of Requirement Talents are not worth it. The same is true for the Dark Arts tree, although if players complete Sebastian’s quest line and decide to get all of the Unforgivable Curses, then all the Talents are worthwhile.

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There are no penalties for using these spells in Hogwarts Legacy, so players can go wild with them. Personal moral reasons may stop players from using them though which is a fine bit of role-playing. With that extra piece of advice out of the way, let’s get to the good Hogwarts Legacy Talents that will round characters out to make them more powerful and better adjusted in battle. Some of these choices may be surprising.

8 Spell Knowledge

Spell Knowledge Talent in Hogwarts Legacy

Spell Knowledge is located in the Core group and allows players to unlock a new spell set. Players begin with the ability to map four spells to the face buttons such as Triangle, Square, Circle, and Cross on the PS5 controller. This new Talent will allow players to map another set of buttons to spells and there are two more tiers of Spell Knowledge to unlock too.

This means that players can have sixteen spells locked and loaded to go, which is very useful for combat as it can create better combos. Players should unlock all tiers of this Talent as soon as possible.

7 Swift

Swift Talent in Hogwarts Legacy

Swift Core Talent section as well and upgrades the dodge ability. The standard roll in the game is fine as it is in most action games. However, Swift allows players to become a white blur to evade enemies and escape them at a greater distance.

It also increases the evade window wherein players can’t receive any damage. To survive for longer periods, this is an absolute must-purchase. There are no further upgrades for it though.

6 Wiggenweld Potency 1

Wiggenweld Potency Talent in Hogwarts Legacy

Wiggenweld Potency 1 is another Core Talent and another way players can survive for longer in the game. It’s only natural for players to be curious about how they can heal in an RPG. Thankfully, Hogwarts Legacy provides players with the easy solution of Wiggenweld Potions which they can buy, find in dungeons, or craft themselves.

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The Wiggenweld Potency 1 Talent will heal players for more HP upon consumption. There is one upgrade for this Talent to make the healing effect even better. It’s good to buy eventually, but the first tier of this Talent should be good enough for a while.

5 Basic Cast Mastery

Basic Cast Mastery Talent in Hogwarts Legacy

Basic Cast Mastery is one more Core Talent, and it reduces spell cooldowns. Basic Cast can be reduced to the melee attack of any standard action game. It’s nothing special, but it is there for a basic attack that players can use while their more powerful spells recharge.

There are no Talents to increase the power of Basic Casting, but there are potions that can increase spell strength. Overall it is better to use the other spells while in battle, so the lack of Basic Cast upgrades is understandable.

4 Revelio Mastery

Revelio Mastery Talent in Hogwarts Legacy

It’s common for open-world games to include some sort of sensory ability to reveal things in the environment. Players can do this in Hogwarts Legacy via the Revelio spell, which shows enemies, chests, and other things of interest. Revelio Mastery, located in the Core Talents, will expand how far this spell will reach.

The further away players can see, the less time they have to spend recasting this spell. It saves time in the long run and this is the only upgrade for the spell.

3 Protego Expertise

Protego Expertise Talent in Hogwarts Legacy

Protego Expertise is the final Core Talent that will be discussed in this guide. Protego is like the guard attack found in action games. Players can hit Triangle, to guard against an attack, or they can hold down the button to cast Stupefy as a counter. The counter is the best option for players early on.

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That is until they unlock Protego Expertise. This will allow players to deflect projectiles back at enemies from the basic block. This will not work if players use Stupefy instead, so be sure to understand that once the Talent is purchased.

2 Human Demiguise

Human Demiguise Talent in Hogwarts Legacy

Human Demiguise is located in the Stealth section of the Talent upgrades. There are only four Talents located in this section and as a blanket statement, every one of them should be purchased once the Disillusionment spell is unlocked. Human Demiguise should be the first purchase as it allows players to run while invisible.

After that, they should buy both tiers of Sense of Secrecy which makes it harder for enemies to detect the player. Finally, Petrificus Totalus Mastery will cast this spell on multiple enemies if they are close enough together. Players can stealth through sections like a god once everything is unlocked.

1 Incendio Mastery

Incendio Mastery Talent in Hogwarts Legacy

Incendio Mastery is the only upgrade worth purchasing in the Spells section of Talents right away. Every spell in this section will add some sort of extra effect or projectile. Incendio Mastery, for example, will create a wave of flame that will surround the player once the spell is cast. This is great because the range of Incendio is short otherwise.

Now, overall, these upgrades are useful to pursue but only after the other noted Talents are purchased. Once that is accomplished players should use discretion and buy upgrades for spells they prefer using in battle. It may seem weird not to highlight the Spells section more, but the Core group is what will really make the difference in battle.

Hogwarts Legacy was released on February 10, 2023 and is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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