Hogwarts Legacy follows a young fifth-year student during their time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Shortly after they arrive at their new school, they are given the option to explore the world outside, where they can pursue a variety of different quests and unlock some extremely helpful abilities.

Hogwarts Legacy: How to Unlock More Spell Sets

Hogwarts Legacy players can only have four spells active at once when they first start out, but more Spell Sets can be unlocked as players progress.

Unlocking new abilities in Hogwarts Legacy requires the player to earn and exchange Talent Points for whatever they wish to learn. Since the amount of Talent Points obtainable during a playthrough is limited, however, the player will need to forgo some in favor of others. This will limit players to certain playstyles depending on the Talent build they choose, so the player should carefully consider what they want before spending their Talent Points.

Updated June 19, 2023, by Justin Flynn: While it's possible to complete Hogwarts Legacy without spending all of one's acquired Talent Points, it isn't recommended, as doing so will prevent players from experiencing some of the best features in the game. Aside from learning new spells, unlocking Talent Points is the only way to enhance the protagonist's proficiency in magic, so it's for players to unlock any Talent they can after earning a Talent Point.

PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC users have been able to customize their Talent builds since February, so they likely have already decided what Talents are best suited to them. PS4 and Xbox One players, however, will need to familiarize themselves with what each Talent is capable of before deciding to incorporate it into their playstyles.

How To Get Talent Points

Hogwarts Legacy Richard Jackdaw

Though players won't be able to access Talents until they have completed the Jackdaw's Rest main quest, they will still be able to obtain Talent Points by leveling their character up. Upon reaching level 5, every level up will reward the player with a Talent Point to spend on whatever Talent they choose. Once the player has reached level 40, they will have received a total of 36 Talent Points, but since there are 48 Talents available, 12 of them will need to be sacrificed.

Talents in Hogwarts Legacy

Once the player has gained access to the Talents section in the main menu, they can begin acquiring whatever Talents they see fit from the Spells, Dark Arts, Core, Stealth, and Room of Requirement categories. Acquiring all the Talents from one category will allow the player to fully maximize the category's potential, but choosing Talents from each of them will allow for a much more rounded experience.

All Talents In Hogwarts Legacy

With 48 Talents to choose from, it can be a little difficult to decide what's best, but it all comes down to what the player prefers. It's important to pay attention to the name of each Talent category before acquiring any Talents from them, as some categories may not be as appealing to the player as others. There are five Talent categories to choose from in Hogwarts Legacy, and they all offer a unique array of abilities.

All Spells Talents

The Spells Talents category in Hogwarts Legacy

Unlocking all the Talents in the Spells category will result in each of the protagonist's spells receiving a unique upgrade.



Incendio Mastery

Casting Incendio surrounds the caster in a ring of fire.

Accio Mastery

Summons multiple enemies toward the caster.

Levioso Mastery

Levitates multiple enemies if they are near each other.

Diffindo Mastery

Allows the spell to slice through enemies and hit other foes.

Depulso Mastery

Releases a shockwave that sends nearby enemies flying.

Confringo Mastery

Creates additional firebolts when the spell hits an enemy.

Bombarda Mastery

Creates an explosion that affects all nearby enemies.

Descendo Mastery

Produces a shockwave that staggers enemies standing near the target.

Glacius Mastery

Casting spells at a frozen enemy will cause shards of glass to damage other enemies nearby.

Transformation Mastery

Transforms certain enemies into explosive objects.

Hogwarts Legacy Spell Tier List

With over 30 different spells available in Hogwarts Legacy, some are vital to a good build while other options fall by the wayside.

All Dark Arts Talents

The Dark Arts Talents category in Hogwarts Legacy

The Dark Arts Talents allow players to embrace Dark Magic and customize certain spells to make them a little more sinister.



Stunning Curse

Casting Stupefy at an enemy will curse them.

Blood Curse

Dealing damage to one cursed enemy will cause all other cursed enemies to take damage too.

Disarming Curse

Casting Expelliarmus at an enemy will curse them.

Knockback Curse

Casting Flipendo at an enemy will curse them.

Slowing Curse

Casting Arresto Momentum at an enemy will curse them.

Enduring Curse

Cursed enemies remained cursed for longer.

Crucio Mastery

Casting a spell at an enemy that has been cursed by the Crucio spell will cause other nearby foes to become cursed too.

Imperio Mastery

An enemy who has been hit with Imperio will curse other enemies by casting at them.

Avada Kedavra Mastery

If an enemy is killed by Avada Kedavra, all nearby enemies who are cursed will die.

Curse Sapper

Defeating a cursed enemy will restore some of the protagonist's health.

All Core Talents

The Core Talents category in Hogwarts Legacy

Talents unlocked via the Core category will improve the protagonist's proficiency in magic by granting them new Spell Sets, increasing the potency of healing items, and unlocking unique abilities.



Ancient Magic Throw Expertise

Allows the protagonist to catch and throw disarmed weapons.

Spell Knowledge 1

Unlocks a new Spell Set.

Basic Cast Mastery

Hitting enemies with Basic Casts reduces spell cooldowns.

Protego Absorption

Blocking attacks with Protego will add to the Ancient Magic Meter.


Holding the dodge button allows the protagonist to disappear and reappear somewhere else.

Spell Knowledge 2

Unlocks a new Spell Set.

Wiggenweld Potency 1

Drinking a Wiggenweld Potion restores more health.

Revelio Mastery

Increases how far the Revelio spell can reach.

Spell Knowledge 3

Unlocks a new Spell Set.

Basic Cast Airborne Absorption

Basic Casts that hit airborne enemies contribute to the Ancient Magic Meter.

Protego Expertise

A Perfect Protego block will send two projectiles back at nearby enemies.

Evasion Absorption

Dodging an unblockable attack will contribute to the Ancient Magic Meter.

Stupefy Mastery

Striking an enemy with Stupefy will leave them stunned for longer.

Wiggenweld Potency 2

Drinking a Wiggenweld Potion restores more health.

Protego Mastery

A Perfect Protego block unleashes a shockwave that breaks nearby enemies' shields.

Stupefy Expertise

Stupefy will deal damage when cast at an enemy.

All Stealth Talents

The Stealth Talents category in Hogwarts Legacy

Talents acquired from the Stealth category contribute to how sneaky the protagonists can be.



Sense of Secrecy 1

While using the Disillusionment spell, enemies will have a harder time seeing the protagonist.

Human Demiguise

Allows players to sprint while using the Disillusionment spell.

Sense of Secrecy 2

Enemies will find it harder to see the protagonist when they are using the Disillusionment spell.

Petrificus Totalus Mastery

Casting Petrificus Totalus at a single enemy will incapacitate other enemies nearby.

All Room Of Requirement Talents

The Room of Requirement Talents category in Hogwarts Legacy

Acquiring Talents from the Room of Requirement category will improve the usefulness of various plants and potions.



Edurus Potion Potency

Drinking an Eduras Potion will make the protagonist invulnerable and will cause them to deflect projectile attacks automatically.

Invisibility Potion Potency

Increases the length of an Invisibility Potion's effect.


Allows the protagonist to throw two Chinese Chomping Cabbages at once at no extra cost.

Maxima Potion Potency

Spells cast after drinking a Maxima Potion will deal additional damage and will destroy enemy shields.


Enemies remain stunned for longer while in the presence of a Mandrake.

Thunderbrew Potency

Increases the range and power of the Thunderbrew Potion storm.

Focus Potion Potency

Increases how long the Focus Potion's effect will remain active if the protagonist keeps casting spells assigned to their Spell Sets.


Venomous Tentacula deal extra damage and can break enemy shields.

The Best Non-Dark Arts Talent Build

Casting Levioso on an Ashwinder in Hogwarts Legacy

Before acquiring too many Talents during the early game, the player should consider if they want to use Dark Magic. If they don't, they can feel free to avoid the Dark Arts category altogether. Not using dark magic has its limitations; however, avoiding the Dark Arts category will grant the player 10 extra Talent Points to spend elsewhere.

Hogwarts Legacy: Best Spell Loadout

Proper composition of spell loadout in Hogwarts Legacy will allow players to deal large damage effortlessly.

For those who wish to get the most out of a non-Dark Arts Talent build, they will have 38 other Talents to choose from. Sadly, this will still require 2 Talents to be discarded, but deciding which ones is quite easy. These are the best Talents to acquire for those who want to abstain from using the Dark Arts:


Incendio Mastery

Accio Mastery

Levioso Mastery

Diffindo Mastery

Depulso Mastery

Confringo Mastery

Bombarda Mastery

Descendo Mastery

Glacius Mastery

Transformation Mastery


Basic Cast Mastery

Protego Absorption

Ancient Magic Throw Expertise


Spell Knowledge 1

Spell Knowledge 2

Wiggenweld Potency 1

Basic Cast Airborne Absorption

Protego Expertise

Revelio Mastery

Evasion Absorption

Stupefy Mastery

Spell Knowledge 3

Wiggenweld Potency 2

Protego Mastery

Stupefy Expertise


Sense of Secrecy 1

Human Demiguise

Sense of Secrecy 2

Petrificus Totalus Mastery

Room Of Requirement

Edurus Potion Potency


Maxima Potion Potency


Thunderbrew Potency

Focus Potion Potency

This non-Dark Arts build encourages players to make use of the majority of the Talents available to them, while only discarding a mere few. It also grants access to some of the more overlooked Room of Requirement Talents that, when used correctly, can have pretty devastating effects.

This Talent build serves to showcase that a non-Dark Arts user can be just as powerful as a Dark Wizard without resorting to the Unforgivable Curses. It is the perfect choice for those who want to avoid taking Hogwarts Legacy's somewhat darker path.

The Best Overall Talent Build

Casting Avada Kedavra in Hogwarts Legacy

Those who intend to make use of dark magic during their playthrough will be able to acquire 10 Talents from the Dark Arts subcategory. While implementing the Dark Arts into one's playstyle can provide some serious power, it also prevents the player from unlocking other crucial Talents.

Thankfully, it is possible to design one's Talent build to allow players to use multiple Talents from each subcategory while also ensuring the protagonist becomes as powerful as they can. To do this, the player should ensure to acquire these 36 Talents:


Incendio Mastery

Accio Mastery

Levioso Mastery

Diffindo Mastery

Depulso Mastery

Confringo Mastery

Bombarda Mastery

Glacius Mastery

Transformation Mastery

Dark Arts

Stunning Curse

Blood Curse

Disarming Curse

Knockback Curse

Crucio Mastery

Imperio Mastery

Avada Kedavra Mastery


Basic Cast Mastery

Ancient Magic Throw Expertise


Spell Knowledge 1

Spell Knowledge 2

Wiggenweld Potency 1

Basic Cast Airborne Absorption

Protego Expertise

Revelio Mastery

Evasion Absorption

Spell Knowledge 3

Protego Mastery

Stupefy Expertise


Sense of Secrecy 1

Human Demiguise

Sense of Secrecy 2

Petrificus Totalus Mastery

Room Of Requirement

Edurus Potion Potency


Thunderbrew Potency

Though choosing this build will grant players some pretty amazing Talents, it will also force them to sacrifice some helpful ones. That said, this build is designed to only include the most powerful Talents available in the game, so whatever Talents are absent are arguably less beneficial than those that are present.

Acquiring these 7 Dark Arts Talents will allow players to curse multiple enemies at once and then dispose of them all with a well-timed Avada Kedavra. In order to include these Talents in the overall build, most of the Room of Requirement Talents have to be discarded. Even so, it is still possible to incorporate potions and plants into the player's playstyle with this build, though they won't be as powerful.

Brewing Wiggenweld Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

The only real downside to this build is that it requires players to sacrifice both Wiggenweld Potency Talents. Choosing not to acquire these Talents will result in Wiggenweld Potions only partially healing the protagonist when they are wounded. To make up for this, the player should always ensure to have plenty of Wiggenweld Potions at hand before beginning a battle and should also be prepared to use as many as they need.

Talents To Avoid Using

Casting Protego and Disillusionment in Hogwarts Legacy

Although each Talent in Hogwarts Legacy is useful in some way, some are far less reliable than others. That said, what one player considers an unimpressive Talent, another may see as a must-have.

Choosing what Talents to avoid getting depends entirely on what players plan to do during their Hogwarts Legacy playthrough. Those planning to rely on stealth to infiltrate enemy encampments should purchase Talents in the Stealth category, players who plan to rely on potions and plants in combat should browse the Room of Requirement category, and those who wish to avoid using Dark Magic no matter what should steer clear of the Dark Arts category.

Since Hogwarts Legacy allows for so much variety while in combat, players will likely come to rely on a few specific combinations of spells and abilities. As a result of this, some spells and abilities will end up being discarded; if players are happy with how their current setup is, they should consider avoiding the Talents associated with spells and abilities they rarely use.

Can You Reset Talents?

Players who have already exchanged their Talent Points will not be able to get them back. As a result of this, all unlocked Talents will become permanent fixtures in the protagonist's arsenal, and any other Talents players were hoping to obtain will no longer be available to them when they run out of Talent Points.

7 Best Core Talents In Hogwarts Legacy

Core Talents in Hogwarts Legacy might not be the quintessential element of a Wizard's strength but one definitely shouldn't neglect them.

Though PC players can use mods to reset the Talents they have unlocked, console users are stuck with the Talents they purchase.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC, with a Switch release scheduled for November 14th, 2023.