Hogwarts Legacy opens the door to exploring the vast magical world of Harry Potter. With countless new possibilities for fans of the series, the game offers access to new locations, spells, abilities, and much more. But despite its impressive scope and depth, some players may still wish to enhance or expand certain aspects of the game.

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The modding community never sleeps and has started bringing even more quality options merely days after the release. One of the things that players are looking to expand is the available Spells to use for their characters. The game itself offers 30 different spells, but mod makers have made even more options available, as well as improving the ones already there.

9 Unlock All Spells

Character Casting Incendio-1

The game offers a lot of replay value with many different choices, but not everyone wants to relearn every spell with a new playthrough. For those looking for a shortcut, this mod instantly makes all the spells in the game available to use.

Aside from seriously boosting the player’s early firepower, this also means that a lot of the locations and secrets that are only unlockable later in the game are available much earlier. That means better early gear, more ground to explore and even taking on some of the stronger enemies that normally would be extremely hard to defeat at that stage.

8 Overpowered Spells

Character casting Bombarda

For those who just want to watch the world burn, this mod completely breaks the balance of all available spells. From damage to cooldowns, everything has been tweaked to fulfill the ultimate power fantasies. Aside from that, shields are now much easier to destroy with most spells.

This is a great mod for those who wish to run around with almost godlike powers, and those who simply wish for a bit more damage output. The mod allows for customization, allowing the players to fine-tune the power to their liking. Due to the reduced cooldowns, many more combos are now possible to test on dummies and evil goblins alike.

7 Nonverbal Spells

Revelio character casting

This mod completely silences the player’s incantations, which could be useful for those who want to roleplay a character capable of non-verbal magic, or for those who simply grew tired of the repeated voice lines. The ability to cast spells non-verbally is a feat in itself within the Harry Potter universe, and being able to add that characteristic to one’s character can feel quite empowering.

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Another great thing about the mod is that it works for all available languages, making it completely universal. The mod works on all available spells, except Avada Kedavra, as the animation looks strange without the voice line.

6 Unforgivable Spells Reworked

Hogwarts Powerful Spell

One of the things that Hogwarts Legacy added to the formula is the Unforgivable Curses. While it is a very unexpected addition to the available spells, players have been quite enjoying the access to darker powers that normally warrant a one-way trip to Azkaban. This mod makes a few welcome adjustments to some aspects of the Unforgivable Curses, like duration, cooldown, and effect on enemies.

It also makes the spells a touch more satisfying to use, with improved impact and knockback on some of them. With this mod some of the curses become louder, adding a bit of a punch to the cast, while making others completely silent, allowing them to be used in stealthy situations.

5 Switching Spells In Slow Motion

Hogwarts Spells

Changing the spell loadout in the heat of a battle can become a little chaotic, with so much happening on the screen. Picking the right option becomes even more challenging once more loadouts become available, and scrolling through them while actively dodging an enraged troll can even kill a wizard.

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This mod neatly fixes that problem by slowing the time almost to a halt when picking between spells. This makes the process much easier and more enjoyable. On top of that, the slow motion adds a certain dramatic element when the character comes out of it with just the right thing to finish an enemy.

4 New Usable Spells

FiendFyre Spell

This mod adds 4 new spells to the arsenal:

  • FiendFyre - allows the player to summon a huge fire tornado for a short while.
  • Obliviate - makes the enemy forget who they are for a short period of time, effectively stunning them.
  • Confundo - completely confuses enemies for a long time, making them open for attacks.
  • White Stupify - is an alternative basic attack, dealing more damage on average and changing the color of the cast.

It’s always nice to have access to more spells, and this mod is great for expanding the arsenal a little, with each of the spells having its own icons and animations.

3 Spell Master

More Spells SpellMaster

This mod also adds a similar list of available spells to the game. In fact, both of the creators link the works to each other, as they share some of the added spells.

  • Pestis Incendium (Version A): a huge fire tornado.
  • Pestis Incendium (Version B): a powerful fireball.
  • Diffindo Maxima: an improved version of Diffindo, improving on casting time and damage.
  • Stupefy: a great spell to break shields and deal damage.
  • Obliviate: erases the enemies’ minds, making them vulnerable.
  • Confundo: stuns the enemy for a short while.

Both lists are great additions to the game, choosing one or the other is up to the player’s preference.

2 Mouse Gesture To Spell

Exploding Pumpkin Spell

This is a great mod to further immerse oneself in the world of Hogwarts Legacy. Instead of simply clicking buttons to cast, the player can now fully mimic the movements of a wand with their mouse. While holding down the designated button, replicate the movement assigned to a spell, and feel like a wizard as the chosen cast flies away.

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It can take a little time to get used to, but it's definitely worth it as it makes the gameplay that much more engaging. After some practice, combinations fly off the wand flawlessly, wreaking havoc on numerous enemies with a flick of the mouse!

1 SpellSpeak


While simple on the surface, this mod opens doors for a whole new gameplay experience. With this, the player can actually cast the spells themselves by saying the incantations out loud. Nothing like doing an impression of Voldemort in front of a screen at 2 o'clock in the morning.

The voice recognition works great, clearly picking up the names of spells in the list. The mod works best with headphones, as the microphone can pick up loud casts from the game.

As with all mods, be careful when installing more than a single mod, and read the description and instructions on the mod pages.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PS5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC. PS4, Xbox One, and Switch versions are currently in development.

MORE: Hogwarts Legacy: The Most Fun Spell Combos