Magic is everywhere in Hogwarts Legacy, and with magic comes more trouble than the player may have bargained for. As a new fifth-year student at Hogwarts, the player will quickly learn all the spells they have missed out on from previous academic years. Some of these spells are great defensive spells in Hogwarts Legacy, and essential to fighting against Ranrok’s army, and the dangerous mysteries of magic.

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Sometimes defense is the best offense, and Hogwarts Legacy can prove that with the bounty of fun magical spells that the player can throw out with their wand against enemies. The best defensive spells in Hogwarts Legacy will give the player a great advantage in becoming a great witch or wizard.

8 Transformation

hogwarts legacy transformation control spell

When an enemy is rushing toward the player, there can be no greater defense than to turn them into an inanimate barrel. With the Transformation spell, enemies will transform into alternate forms, from puzzle solutions to harmless knickknacks. This control spell will keep enemies at bay.

Not only is Transformation good for making enemies redundant, but it also has other uses. Players can use Transformation to help them solve puzzles, but the best use of Transformation is in its ability to turn charged enemies into incapacitated objects.

7 Levioso

hogwarts legacy levioso control spell

If enemies are running amock, then make them float. Levioso makes enemies hit with this control spell levitate, and they are trapped in the air, leaving them defenseless and open to a flurry of combo attacks from the player.

Levioso is one of the earliest spells unlocked in Hogwarts Legacy and can be used throughout the game for its usefulness and ease of access. Levioso will keep objects and enemies levitated for quite some time. It will make defending Hogwarts or the fun in Hogsmeade a lot easier.

6 Glacius

hogwarts legacy glacius control spell

If enemies are being a nuisance, then one of the best ways the player can defend themselves from such a thing is with Glacius. After casting this control spell, enemies will be frozen, and follow-up attacks that the player deals with will do extra damage.

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Glacius can be used to focus on one target in particular or to temporarily incapacitate them while they focus on other enemies. Glacius is great for defensive capabilities, as the ability to freeze an enemy means that they can no longer harm the player, albeit temporarily.

5 Arresto Momentum

hogwarts legacy arresto momentum control spell

With Arresto Momentum, players will be able to use this control spell to slow objects and enemies. This will propel enemies into the air and keep them stunned, and incapacitated whilst the playable Hogwarts student plans their next move on how to further inflict damage on their enemies.

This defensive spell is good against enemies because it will incapacitate them for a time. It gets them out of the player’s way whilst they dodge and block enemy attacks, or, can be used to single out a target, and take care of them quickly.

4 Depulso

hogwarts legacy depulso force spell

When a swarm of dark witches, wizards, and goblins hone in on the new fifth-year student at Hogwarts, Depulso is a great defensive spell to come to the aid of the player. With this spell, players will use a force spell to repel objects and enemies away with great force.

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Although dealing no direct damage, Depulso will create a distance between the player and their enemies, and allow them to use counterattacks like attacking spells to cause damage to the target that has been pushed back.

3 Protego

hogwarts legacy casting protego spell

One of the most useful spells in Hogwarts Legacy is available from the beginning of the game. Protego is activated after the player hits either the Triangle button or the ‘Y’ button. Protego will create a defensive shield around the player, which will block enemy spells and hits.

When using Protego, players need to be aware of what they can block and counter, as some moves will need to roll out of the way, and Protego will have no effect. However, Protego is a great defensive spell that should be used correctly, as it can be combined with Stupify and other counterattacks.

2 Imperio

hogwarts legacy imperio unforgivable curse

As one of the three unforgivable curses, Imperio is great for defense in Hogwarts Legacy, because it will turn an enemy into a companion for a short time. Imperio will force an enemy to fight alongside the player, and under the control of the player, they will take reduced damage from other enemies.

Not only will Imperio grant the player a great ally, despite power and size, but this new ally will be cursed, meaning that if other enemies are cursed, the pain is mutually shared between the enemies.

1 Avada Kedavra

hogwarts legacy avada kedavra unforgivable curse

Unforgivable curses are forbidden, and there’s a reason that Hogwarts refuses to teach students these dark spells. However, as a student that lusts for adventure and knowledge, the player is given the optional opportunity to learn the infamous murder spell, Avada Kedavra, a great spell for getting through awesome side quests in Hogwarts Legacy.

In learning this spell, players will be able to kill enemies instantly, no matter their defenses or health bar. Avada Kedavra is a great defense spell, as it will instantly take out the enemy that is threatening the player the most, and cause others to be fearful of this power.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. PS4 and Xbox One ports are scheduled to release on April 4, the Nintendo Switch version is arriving on July 25, 2023.

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