Hogwarts Legacy is the game that allows millions of Harry Potter fans around the globe to finally live out their wizarding world fantasies. Naturally, one of the highlights of attending Hogwarts is the opportunity to engage in a wide range of magical classes, all of which are full to the brim with nostalgia.

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Throughout Hogwarts Legacy, players will attend classes as part of the main story, and it is through these lessons, along with extra assignments, that they will learn new spells. However, with certain lessons involving fun games and others being mere cutscenes, some classes are just better than others.

Updated on May 7, 2023, by Joe Grantham: With the release of Hogwarts Legacy on the older generation of consoles, specifically Xbox One and PlayStation 4, millions of patient Harry Potter fans around the world are finally experiencing life at Hogwarts for themselves. The various magical classes available are naturally one of the most anticipated features of Hogwarts Legacy, but surprisingly players are finding joy in branches of magic that have received little attention in previous installments of the Harry Potter franchise. Players who have had access to the game for a few months now are also starting their second, third, or even fourth playthroughs with different houses and will be looking forward to enjoying their favorite Hogwarts Legacy classes again.

10 Divination Class

Hogwarts Legacy Divination Class

Unfortunately, the Divination class in Hogwarts Legacy is just a cutscene, and as good as the visuals are the lack of anything to do makes it easily the least fun class in the game. This is a shame as the students hold Professor Onai in great esteem and think she is a great teacher.

It would have been interesting to see more of Divination when it isn't taught by the mostly incompetent Professor Trelawney, although book readers will know that this actually comes to fruition in The Order of the Phoenix with the centaur Firenze teaching the subject in his own unique way.

9 Transfiguration Class

Hogwarts Legacy Transfiguration Class

Although players will meet Professor Weasley early on in the game and receive plenty of help from her, it isn't until much later that they will attend their first Transfiguration class. Despite taking place in one of the most beautiful classrooms in the game, the class itself isn't that exciting as it is mostly just a cutscene.

Nevertheless, players will learn one of the most fun spells in the game, Transfiguration, which can be used in many creative ways, both in combat and in puzzles.

8 History Of Magic Class

Hogwarts Legacy History Of Magic Class

Despite its reputation as the most boring subject at Hogwarts, the History of Magic class in Hogwarts Legacy isn't actually that bad and is one of the few lessons to get students out of the classroom.

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Professor Binns, who is one of the ghosts in Hogwarts Legacy, is usually known for putting students to sleep, but in this class, he wakes the students from their slumber and gets them to look around at a small fraction of the history of Hogwarts. In between searching for artifacts players can interact with their fellow classmates, and those genuinely interested in the history of the wizarding world can ask Professor Bins, who is more than happy to spew off details of the various goblin rebellions.

7 Potions Class

Hogwarts Legacy Potions Class Professor Sharp

While the potion system in Hogwarts Legacy is slightly underwhelming, especially when compared with a game like Kingdom Come: Deliverance, the Potions class itself is nonetheless an enjoyable experience. It ends up being a memorable one, as well.

In their first Potions class, players are introduced to the formidable, but highly capable Professor Sharp, who as a former Auror with a seemingly incurable limp, presents quite the mystery. Troublemaker Gareth Weasley also does his best to make this lesson more interesting by asking the player to help him out with one of his experiments.

6 Herbology Class

Hogwarts Legacy Herbology Class Mandrake

Mandrakes are the most iconic magical plant in the Harry Potter series and players have the opportunity to pot their own in their first Herbology lesson. Guided by the lovable and always positive Professor Garlick, players are also introduced to Dittany and Chinese Chomping Cabbages.

The damage that these flesh-eating Cabbages do to the practice dummy sets the tone for how impactful plants can be in Hogwarts Legacy and gets the player excited to start growing their own. To grow their own plants, players can use the potting table they are assigned in this class.

5 Astronomy Class

Hogwarts Legacy Astronomy Class Telescope

The Astronomy class in Hogwarts Legacy is a surprisingly fun one, and as it takes place at night, it stands out from other classes. Taught by Professor Shah, Astronomy is a branch of magic that was not seen too much in the main series.

However, after getting their telescope into focus and aligning their view of the constellation, players will understand Amit Thakkar's enthusiasm for the subject, and look forward to finding other Astronomy tables around the map. There is also a nice little Easter egg during the lesson, as Leander Prewett looks for the Dog Star Sirius in the same direction where Sirius Black will one day hide out amongst the mountains as a dog.

4 Beasts Class

Hogwarts Legacy Beasts Class

Beasts class, which would go on to be known as Care of Magical Creatures, is taught by Professor Howin during the time of Hogwarts Legacy. While the class is fun and players are introduced to petting and feeding animals, the creatures themselves aren't that interesting, when compared with the strongest beasts in Hogwarts Legacy.

To meet a Hippogriff as Harry does in his first Care of Magical Creatures class, players have to wait until the lesson is over and follow Poppy Sweeting. In fact, most of the experiences centered around magical beasts occur outside of class, but without this valuable lesson, none of it would be possible.

3 Defence Against The Dark Arts Class

Hogwarts Legacy Professor Hecat

As players get to duel in their first Defence Against The Dark Arts lesson, it is naturally one of the most fun. Professor Hecat sets a great tone at the start of the lesson, using a student as an example, before teaching the class the Levioso spell.

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Both Professor Hecat and Sebastian Sallow, who is also introduced in this lesson to non-Slytherins, have pasts that are shrouded in mystery, making it one of the best Hogwarts Legacy classes in terms of characters. The only disappointment is that there aren't more proper Defence Against The Dark Arts classes, as these could have featured memorable moments from the main series.

2 Charms Class

Hogwarts Legacy Professor Abraham Ronen

Thanks to arguably the best professor at Hogwarts, Professor Ronen, Charms is one of the most fun classes in Hogwarts Legacy. On their very first day, players will attend Charms and have the chance to take part in the surprisingly fun mini-game, Summoner's Court.

By using the Summoning Charm, Accio, competitors take turns summoning balls into higher-scoring zones, while avoiding the edge. Players who enjoy this wizarding game will be glad to know they can return to it throughout the game with the competition getting tougher and tougher. As a list of ideas for other educational games can be found, it is likely that Charms class is a year-round joy with Professor Ronen as the teacher.

1 Flying Class

Hogwarts Legacy Flying Class Broom

For obvious reasons, the most fun class in all of Hogwarts Legacy has to be Flying class, where players finally get to experience broom flight for themselves. Taught by Quidditch lover Madam Kogawa, players will first relive the iconic "Up" scene from the first Harry Potter movie.

After that, it is straight to flying and players will soon find themselves on a grand tour of Hogwarts. The best thing about this class is that it permanently unlocks the ability to travel almost anywhere by broom. After class, players simply need to head down to Spintwitches Sporting Needs in Hogsmeade and purchase one of the starter brooms for 600 Galleons. To find the best brooms in Hogwarts Legacy, players will have to search further afield after saving up their precious Galleons.

Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, with a Switch version coming July 25.

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