Anyone going into Hogwarts Legacy expecting it to be like the Persona games will be disappointed. Players are not going to be able to woo the boys and girls of this school and start snogging away. Maybe that could happen in a sequel if the developers decide to take another stab at this magical world.

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Despite the lack of snogging, Hogwarts Legacy does have a lot of unique characters in it. Some are obviously better written than others. While some of these characters don't get a lot of screen time, they're still great. There will be some spoilers to break down their best traits.

8 Isidora

Isidora in Hogwarts Legacy

Isidora turns out to be the main villain of the game behind the scenes of it all as she is dead by the time the game starts. She’s the reason why Ranrok and Victor Rookwood are after the player character. They know the student knows about Ancient Magic and this Ancient Magic is what Isidore wrote and studied about.

Isidora knows that she amassed a massive power supply of suppressed emotions and wants his hands on the motherboard. She turns evil in her studies, but Isidora’s pursuit was justified in the beginning because she only wanted to heal people. This at least makes her more sympathetic than Voldemort.

7 Peeves

Talking to Peeves in Hogwarts Legacy

Peeves is sort of a villain in the game as well. He is annoying and does cause the player to get into some trouble thanks to his big mouth. It’s hard not to love his wildness though as the game perfectly emulates how the book describes him to be. Peeves is an agent of chaos that has no allegiances to anyone.

Seemingly his only goal in life at Hogwarts is to get students in trouble for his own amusement although he’s not above torturing professors either. He’s a fun character to see pop up randomly with a new bit.

6 Professor Hecat

Professor Hecat in Hogwarts Legacy

Professor Hecat is the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Her entrance in Hogwarts Legacy is great because she not only rescues a student from getting crushed by the skeleton of a dragon, she burns him as well metaphorically. She cares about the safety of her students but she is not shy about telling them off which is hilarious.

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It’s also great that this feeble old woman with a hunchback is basically one of the most powerful witches at Hogwarts. It just goes to show that power comes in small, wrinkly packages too and one can never judge a book by its cover.

5 Professor Garlick

Professor Garlick in Hogwarts Legacy

Professor Garlick is the head of Herbology and she has a deceiving manner just like Professor Hecat. She may seem like the new witch on the block who may not know what they are doing, but Garlick is quite capable. She can be just as vicious as she is caring like when she shares a little backstory about the professor she took over for.

Garlick casually talks about a Bowtruckle, that’s the twig-like monster from the Fantastic Beasts movies, that gauged out the old professor’s eye. Her allegiance is with plants first followed distantly by humanity.

4 Professor Ronen

Professor Ronen in Hogwarts Legacy

Professor Ronen is the most energetic professor in Hogwarts. He’s the head of Charms and he introduces himself with what seems like a tight five from a comedy special. He makes a joke about everyone in the class forgetting their spells over the summer because they practiced obliviate on each other, which is a spell that makes people forget things.

It’s hard to imagine a group of witches and wizards being uninterested in learning magic. It’s not like learning a useless skill in a Muggle school. These kids should be jazzed about Charms and having the privilege of a fun teacher like Ronen.

3 Sebastian

Sebastian in Hogwarts Legacy

Sebastian is one of the biggest characters in Hogwarts Legacy because he is directly tied to the main story. At first, he seems like a bad boy who likes to bend the rules a bit. As his quest lines go on, Sebastian becomes darker and darker which is typical of how Slytherin characters are represented in the books and movies.

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His goal is a noble one as he wants to save his sister from a terrible fate. The way he tries to solve it is what makes him almost a villain. It’s up to players to decide how these quests play out as they do have some decent choices that can affect a few different outcomes.

2 Poppy

Poppy in Hogwarts Legacy

Poppy is a late addition to Hogwarts Legacy who appears when players get into the beast-taming class. Like Professor Garlick, Poppy has a bleeding heart for non-humans. Her grandmother works with animals and people who want to stop poachers from illegally dealing in magical beasts.

That’s what a majority of her quests follow: the destruction of this poacher’s ring. It goes to some wild places including a confrontation with a dragon which doesn’t happen in the game that often despite the opening chase. Poppy is goal oriented but also very fun-loving and a joy to be around.

1 Ominis

Ominis in Hogwarts Legacy

Sebastian would not be half as good as he is without his best friend Ominis. He is also a Slytherin student and a blind one at that. He was forced to use Unforgivable Curses as a child, which damaged his body and heart beyond repair. He has a direct bloodline to one of the founders of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin, who had dark ambitions.

Ominis wants nothing to do with dark magic even if Sebastian claims he wants to use it for good. Ominis’ arc is a thrilling one as long as players notice that he is right far sooner than Sebastian. There’s a lot of tragedy boys this poor boy’s broken eyes.

Hogwarts Legacy was released on February 10, 2023, and is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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