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Loyalist Assassins may seem less threatening than other Goblin enemies in Hogwarts Legacy since they are lightly armored and wield smaller weapons, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, these enemies are some of the toughest normal enemies in the game, especially if players don't know how to bypass their powerful defenses. Despite being fairly tough, Loyalist Assassins are actually quite common, so players would do well to learn all of their strengths, defenses, and, most importantly, their weaknesses.

As the name implies, Loyalist Assassins are part of the Loyalist faction in Hogwarts Legacy, a group of Goblins led by the villainous Ranrok that are rising up against wizardkind. Though players may sympathize with the plight of the goblins, Ranrok's genocidal tendencies make him difficult to identify with. Loyalist Assassins are some of the strongest members of his army, and the player will have to deal with them often.

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What Are Loyalist Assassins?

hogwarts legacy what are loyalist assassins

Loyalist Assassins can be identified by their berets, a piece of headgear often associated with elite sectors of armed forces in real-world militaries. The Field Guide explains that these goblins have used Ancient Magic to give themselves unnatural speed, an ability they use to their advantage in a fight.

Loyalist Assassin Defenses

hogwarts legacy loyalist assassin defenses

Their magically imbued speed makes Loyalist Assassins one of the most defensive enemies in the Loyalist faction. For starters, they have yellow shields, meaning players can't damage them at all unless they can break it with a Control spell like Levioso, Glacius, Arresto Momentum, or Transformation.

What's more, thanks to their speed, they are able to break out of combos, reapply their shield, and counterattack. This makes fighting them incredibly difficult. Of course, there's a way to get around their pesky speed enchantment.

Loyalist Assassin Attacks

hogwarts legacy loyalist assassin attacks

Loyalist Assassins actually only have one attack, but it is a powerful one. They will cross their blades and then dash at the player with incredible speed. This attack is unblockable, meaning players have to rely on Hogwarts Legacy's dodge roll to avoid it instead and then counter-attack.

Loyalist Assassin Weaknesses

hogwarts legacy loyalist assassin weaknesses

As mentioned, Loyalist Assassins are able to break free from combos even while airborne and reapply their yellow shields. The only way to stop this from happening is to counteract their magically imbued speed with Arresto Momentum to slow them down. This will break their shield if they have it up and prevent them from breaking free of combos. It's possible to just brute force through their enchantment, but it is much easier to simply cast Arresto Momentum and then fight them as if they were a normal enemy.

Of course, the easiest way to defeat them is simply with an Ancient Magic Finisher attack, as this will instantly defeat Loyalist Assassins. Players that want to beat the Loyalist Assassin at their own game can also sneak up on them and use Petrificus Totalus, as this will also one-hit kill these enemies.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S; the Nintendo Switch version is arriving on July 25, 2023.