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As a massive open-world game, there is naturally a lot of nuance to Hogwarts Legacy and as players are starting as fifth-year students, want-to-be-wizards and witches have a lot to learn.

Hogwarts Legacy: 8 Ideas For Your Room Of Requirement Aesthetic

With an unbelievable amount of customization available, Hogwarts Legacy players can decorate their Room of Requirement in whatever fashion they like.

Whether players are looking to complete the game on Hogwarts Legacy's hardest difficulty setting or simply looking to save themselves some time when exploring or completing quests, these advanced tips will help players reach the top of their class and maybe even save the Wizarding World.

Updated on January 15, 2024, by Joe Grantham: With many players having their hands on Hogwarts Legacy for some time now, most of the game's secrets have been uncovered, including many tips and tricks for min-maxing and becoming a better witch or wizard. As such, the following list of advancedHogwarts Legacy tips has been updated to include even more niche ideas that can help players truly dominate the late 19th-century wizarding world.

10 The Range Of Revelio Is Larger While On A Broom

Reveal More Chests & Hidden Objects At Once

Hogwarts Legacy Broom

Spamming the Revelio spell to reveal chests, hidden objects, and quest-specific items is a simple tip for Hogwarts Legacy that most players already know about. However, a hidden mechanic is that Revelio has a much larger range when flying on a broom.

By flying over an area and revealing everything at once before landing, players will find what they are looking for faster, or even come across secrets they otherwise wouldn't have found on foot. The only thing players need to do is make sure they don't fly too high.

9 Use Glacius Or Arresto Momentum To Easily Capture Thestrals & Unicorns

These Beasts Are Hard To Keep Still With Levioso

Capturing a Thestral in Hogwarts Legacy

Capturing large and rare beasts such as unicorns and thestrals to sell is one of the best ways to get rich fast in Hogwarts Legacy. Given their price though they are naturally much harder to capture.

Rather than using the recommended Levioso and fiddling around with having to keep up with the beast once the spell wears off, players should instead use Glacius or Arresto Momentum, both of which last much longer. This makes using the Nab Sack much easier and of course, this tip can be applied when capturing other beasts to care for in the Vivarium.

8 You Can Hold All 3 Of The Fireflies At Once In Merlin Trials

This Saves Considerable Time Instead Of Going Back & Forth

how to solve all merlin trials at hogsmeade valley in hogwarts legacy

Completing Merlin Trials is one of the Exploration Challenges in Hogwarts Legacy, and players looking to complete them all have a big undertaking given that there are 95 trials in total. These are separated into nine types of trials, with one involving players using Lumos to gather fireflies and place them in the middle.

A quick trick to speed this process up though and save time is to gather all three groups of fireflies first, and then head back towards the middle to place them one by one.

7 Practice Spell Combos On The Dummies At Feldcroft

A Safe And Easy Way To Practice & Try Out New Ideas

Hogwarts Legacy Descendo

When players learn new spells after completing the assignments that Professors set, they are able to practice their new spells on the practice dummies that the Professors momentarily provide.

Hogwarts Legacy: 7 Most Underrated Spells

These spells may make players scoff in Hogwarts Legacy, but they are far more potent than one can imagine.

If players are looking for a more permanent location to practice the most fun spell combos in Hogwarts Legacy then they can head down to the village of Feldcroft where Sebastian Sallow lives. Here they will find a range of practice dummies that the villagers use to hone their skills.

6 Unlock All Alohomora Levels ASAP

Being Able To Open All Doors & Locks Prevents Future Backtracking

hogwarts legacy alohomora lock

There are many doors and chests in Hogwarts Legacy that can only be unlocked with the Alohomora charm. Players will learn this spell from school caretaker Gladwin Moon on The Caretaker's Lunar Lament mission.

However, this only provides players with the first level of Alohomora which in turn can only unlock level 1 locks. Therefore, to avoid having to keep visiting the same locations to clear them of loot, it is better to unlock all three levels of Alohomora first, so that all locks can be unlocked in one go. To upgrade their Alohomora players will need to find more Demiguise statues and return them to Mr. Moon.

5 Identify Gear Before Selling

This Will Permanently Unlock Its Aesthetic

hogwarts legacy gear rarity explained

Some gear that players will pick up on their adventures in Hogwarts Legacy will first appear as unidentified, but by using a Desk of Description in the Room of Requirement, the name, appearance, and stats of the gear item will be revealed. As the rarity of unidentified items can be seen by the color though, players in the later stages of the game might be eager to sell any blue or green gear items without even identifying them.

Hogwarts Legacy: Best Outfits, Ranked

Hogwarts Legacy allows players to find the perfect outfit to help them on their journey, and these are some of the best options to pick from.

The downside of this is that the appearance of the item will not be unlocked as part of the transmog system that exists in the game. Therefore, players should always identify gear items before selling them, even if they don't intend to use the item itself.

4 Get Hopping Pots ASAP

The Easiest Way To Get Potions

hogwarts legacy hopping pot wiggenweld

Potions in Hogwarts Legacy are extremely important, especially for players trying to complete the game on harder difficulties. Getting hold of these potions however isn't too easy as players will need the recipe and ingredients, on top of putting in the time investment into making them.

By popping down to Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade though, players can pick up a Hopping Pot Spellcraft for 3000 galleons. They will then be able to place up to three Hopping Pots in their Room of Requirement, each of which will brew a random potion without any ingredients needed. This one-time investment will save players lots of time and keep their inventories full of potions.

3 Learn How To Counter All Enemy Types

Each Enemy Has Unique Attacks, Strengths, & Weaknesses

Hogwarts Legacy Enemies Collection Menu

There are many different types of enemies in Hogwarts Legacy and all of them have different strengths and weaknesses. Thankfully the game has an inbuilt way for players to learn how to counter these enemies as they can head to the collections menu and hover over each different enemy and read about them

As the game can be paused at any time, even during combat, players can take advantage of this feature whenever they like or, alternatively, they can commit each matchup to memory.

2 Use Ancient Magic Finishers To Dodge

The Animation Can Dodge Any Attack, No Matter How Late Or Strong

Hogwarts Legacy Ancient Magic Pensieve

In Hogwarts Legacy, players are taught that they can block incoming yellow spells with Protego and that they must dodge red spells that can't be blocked. However, what many players don't know is that they can also use Ancient Magic Finishers to dodge any incoming damage.

Hogwarts Legacy: 6 Ways To Make The Game Harder

Want to ramp up the difficulty in Hogwarts Legacy? Check out these fan challenges.

The animation of Ancient Magic Finishers overrides anything else and can come in clutch when it is too late to start dodging an unfriendly spell. To gain access to more of this ancient power, players will need to find and complete Ancient Magic Hotspots.

1 Use Wingardium Leviosa To Drop Objects On Enemies

A Creative Way To Take Down Large Foes

hogwarts legacy trolls philosophers stone spells wingardium leviosa expelliarmus

Similarly to how Ron used Wingardium Leviosa to drop the troll's own club on its head in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, players can also use this spell to deal damage with objects in Hogwarts Legacy.

This underrated spell can take a while to get used to in combat, but once mastered players will be able to pick up certain objects and swing them into enemies even breaking shields. They can then position these objects high up before letting them drop for massive damage.

hogwarts legacy poster
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy

February 10, 2023
Avalanche Software
Action , RPG