
  • Hogwarts Legacy's gear system needs improvement, especially with wands.
  • More wand styles and customization options could enhance gameplay.
  • Implementing an ARPG wand crafting system could personalize combat in Hogwarts Legacy 2.

While there have been plenty of Harry Potter-themed games before it, Hogwarts Legacy stands out as one of the franchise's most successful titles and even one of the most successful video games in recent memory. Despite its massive success, however, it isn't perfect by any means, and there is plenty that Hogwarts Legacy 2 could do to improve upon its predecessor, assuming a sequel is indeed in development.

Hogwarts Legacy's gear game isn't necessarily one of its highlights, but its cosmetic and transmog system is one of modern gaming's best. Regardless, its gear system could use a tuneup in Hogwarts Legacy 2, specifically when it comes to its wands. In Hogwarts Legacy, wands are nothing more than cosmetic pieces, so there's a lot of room for a sequel to improve them, especially if it was to lean more into role-playing and looter mechanics.

What to Expect From Hogwarts Legacy's Summer 2024 Update

Hogwarts Legacy's 2024 summer update will bring new features and updates to the game, but according to developers, expectations should be tempered.

How Hogwarts Legacy 2 Could Improve Its Wands

Ollivander Could Offer a Much Larger Selection of Wands

For starters, Hogwarts Legacy 2 could feature a much larger selection of wands available at Ollivander's Wand Shop. In Hogwarts Legacy, players can choose from only eight different wand styles, each with three different variations.

These wand styles ultimately change the overall appearance of the wand and offer looks like Classic, Notched, and Soft Spiral, and the variations only change the wand's color. Perhaps Hogwarts Legacy 2 could offer even more wand styles than before and then allow players to customize the color of their wand using an actual color palette.

Hogwarts Legacy features 38 wood types for wand customization, which is arguably plentiful enough already. Furthermore, players can customize their wand's length, flexibility, and core, making for a wide variety of options for players to personalize it.

The crux of it all is that these options only serve to change a wand's appearance, and while the lore behind it can be satisfying in and of itself, much more could be done with each of these elements in terms of gameplay.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 Could Feature an ARPG Wand Crafting System

The most efficient way to go about improving wands in Hogwarts Legacy 2 from both a customization and a gameplay perspective would be to implement an ARPG wand crafting system into the game. This system would essentially function similarly to other popular ARPG crafting systems, such as Dragon Age: Inquisition's and Fallout 4's, and allow players to craft and improve their wands using materials they either gather in the open world or purchase from vendors.

Rather, a crafting system such as this would do much more than simply change a wand's appearance. In Hogwarts Legacy 2, a crafting system of this caliber would directly affect how a wand performs in combat.

There are more than enough different elements to crafting a wand in Hogwarts Legacy that it would produce a satisfying way to personalize a player's approach to combat. Perhaps a wand's style could affect its casting speed or range, or its wood type could affect whether it deals more direct damage or damage over time. Other features such as wand style could function solely as cosmetic editions, but the possibilities are nearly endless. Hogwarts Legacy 2 is already set up with the perfect blueprint to improve the first game's wands—it simply needs to act on it.