
  • A Hogwarts Legacy sequel is highly likely due to success of the first game.
  • If it happens, Quidditch should be included in Hogwarts Legacy 2, especially if the game introduces a multiplayer mode.
  • Quidditch Champions and Hogwarts Legacy 2 could coexist, offering different kinds of Quidditch experiences.

Over a year after the release of Hogwarts Legacy, the game stands as one of the most successful video game adaptations that the Harry Potter franchise has ever seen. The title offered a level of detail, exploration, and freedom that was a perfect match for the magic of the wider franchise, and it is no surprise that many fans are looking toward a potential sequel to the game.

Thanks to the commercial success of Hogwarts Legacy, a sequel seems extremely likely, with a spate of rumors and leaks suggesting such a project is already in the works. Despite the detail that was present in the original Hogwarts Legacy, there were many defining elements of Hogwarts and Harry Potter that were not present in the game, and these provide a sequel with the perfect opportunity to finally deliver on them. Of all the absent features in Hogwarts Legacy, the magical sport Quidditch was one of the most glaring, and a sequel should definitely introduce this if it decides to bring a multiplayer element to the franchise.

Hogwarts Legacy's RPG Approach Should Bleed into Another Highly Popular Genre

Hogwarts Legacy successfully brought the Wizarding World to the RPG genre, and now, a studio should really consider taking the concept even further.

Multiplayer Experiences in Hogwarts Legacy 2 Would Not Be Complete Without Quidditch

Hogwarts Legacy prided itself on transferring the mystery and awe of the famous magical school to the gaming medium, with players having free rein to explore and socialize within the school itself and its surrounding areas. With the school's houses, classes, and intricate secrets being fully available to the player, it seemed that Legacy would provide a perfect portrayal of the location, but the absence of Quidditch in-game was something that disappointed many fans of the release.

Quidditch is one of the most recognizable elements of the wider Harry Potter franchise, being a fictional sport that takes place on brooms in the sky, with there being a variety of roles and ways to score points. Allowing the player to make a name for themselves through Quidditch seemed like a logical experience that would be included in Hogwarts Legacy, but the sport is sadly completely unavailable to players.

While Legacy narratively justifies the absence of the sport due to a severe player injury, a sequel to the game should go out of its way to finally deliver on including the sport. It is clear that a Hogwarts Legacy 2 would need to make some sweeping changes to stand out from its predecessor, and the inclusion of multiplayer capabilities would be an absolute game-changer for the project. Not only would multiplayer allow players to socialize and tackle the game's narrative cooperatively, but it would allow them to face-off against one another through Quidditch matchmaking.

There is Still Room For Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy 2 Alongside Quidditch Champions

Of course, the lack of Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy may have also been down to the upcoming release of Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, which is a cartoon-styled multiplayer title fully dedicated to online Quidditch gameplay. Including a comprehensive Quidditch experience in Hogwarts Legacy may have stepped on the toes of Quidditch Champions, but by the time Hogwarts Legacy 2 would likely release, there may be room for the sport to appear.

It has been confirmed that Quidditch Champions will allow players to choose from different positions such as Chaser, Keeper, Beater, and Seeker. As well as being able to control the entire team, it seems clear that Champions is going to be a much more comprehensive portrayal of Quidditch than what Hogwarts Legacy could realistically portray, but this could work to the benefit of a sequel.

To allow Quidditch Champions to still shine, Hogwarts Legacy 2 could simply allow fans to only play in the famous Seeker role, with this often being seen as the most exciting and important Quidditch position. Players in Hogwarts Legacy 2 could then play against each other in 1v1 matches as opposing Seekers, creating tense gameplay that scratches that Quidditch itch without stepping too much on the toes of the upcoming Quidditch Champions.