
  • While a sequel to Hogwarts Legacy is likely in the works, tying it too closely to the Harry Potter franchise could risk losing the original's charm.
  • The success of Hogwarts Legacy stemmed partially from its unique narrative, as disconnecting itself from Harry Potter allowed for a fresh Wizarding World experience.
  • Warner Bros. should allow Avalanche Software to continue crafting original tales in future Hogwarts Legacy installments, limiting fan-service to maintain the game's uniqueness.

Since Hogwarts Legacy was such a massive success for the Harry Potter IP, it can be assumed that a sequel is likely already in the works. While nothing has been outright confirmed just yet, many rumors and leaks have suggested that Avalanche Software has already begun working on the next chapter of its story. And even though it will probably fulfill Harry Potter fans' dreams once more, Hogwarts Legacy's sequel might want to tread a bit lightly when it comes to the greater franchise.

Due to the success of Hogwarts Legacy and the upcoming Harry Potter reboot series, Warner Bros. may be interested in tying it closer to the source material. To do this, the eventual sequel might be filled to the brim with fan-service and notable characters. Although that may sound exciting for fans, too much fan service could also ruin the overall experience for many. One of the best parts of Hogwarts Legacy was that it was a brand-new tale within The Wizarding World, and forcing more direct ties to Harry's journey could take away what made that so special.

Hogwarts Legacy's Most Touching Easter Egg Is Likely to Go Unnoticed

A very special Easter egg included in Hogwarts Legacy is likely to go unnoticed by many players who are unaware of its location and purpose.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 May Want to Avoid Ties to Harry Potter

Hogwarts Legacy Excelled By Being Its Own Thing

When Hogwarts Legacy was first announced, some fans were a bit skeptical about the game's direction. Instead of exploring the same time period as the Harry Potter franchise, this game was going to take players back over a century before Harry walked the Earth. Because of that, the Hogwarts that players would get to explore was going to be filled with characters that had never been seen before, which meant they would not be able to truly live out their Wizarding World dreams. That all sounded extremely risky, but it ended up paying off immensely.

Hogwarts Legacy did end up giving players the Hogwarts experience they have been craving since the very first Harry Potter, albeit with brand-new characters. That disconnection from the greater franchise may have actually helped considerably. It was not tied down by anything J.K. Rowling had written before, and instead, Avalanche was able to tell its own story. There may have been some recognizable names, but for the most part, the game told a wholly original tale with brand-new lore that fans seemed to love.

Disconnecting Hogwarts Legacy from the Harry Potter franchise may have been the best thing for it, as it went on to deliver something completely new to fans and newcomers alike. Additionally, the game was able to distance itself from J.K. Rowling's work as she became increasingly controversial over her comments about the transgender community. Although the game will never be able to fully escape that shadow, her lack of involvement helped prop it up a bit for some.

Tying Hogwarts Legacy to Harry Potter May Hurt The Series in the Long Run

Now that Hogwarts Legacy was a success, there is a chance that Warner Bros. will use it as a way to revive The Wizarding World franchise after the disappointing results of the Fantastic Beasts movies. To accomplish that, the studio may have the series tie directly into the franchise more. Timeline-wise, the game does not have much further to go before players start encountering more familiar characters. And once those characters or events start appearing, Avalanche will no longer be able to tell its own original tales.

Fans may want to explore a Hogwarts filled with their favorite characters, but Hogwarts Legacy does not feel like the right place to do that. Avalanche showed that it knows how to tell a great Wizarding World story, so it should be allowed to continue doing that. The next chapter should focus on expanding the original lore the studio injected into the world rather than retreading what fans have already seen.

That does not mean that there cannot be any fan-service, but it has to be limited and handled delicately. It cannot take over the main plot, as the focus should still be on an original tale, with major characters such as Dumbledore needing to be left out completely. Warner Bros. can always make a similar Hogwarts adventure filled with iconic figures, but Hogwarts Legacy should be left to continue doing its own thing.