Just about every franchise’s success depends on having a wide range of characters in order to make the story shine. In the case of Hitman, though, that’s quite the opposite. Agent 47 is all one needs to capture the players’ interest, and he remains a well received protagonist.

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Being admired by gamers instantly means a number of memes will be directed toward such a character, and 47 is no exception. He’s a prime topic for funny pictures due to his stoic demeanor and unorthodox assassination techniques. With Hitman 3 on its way, let’s dive into the funny side of the series’ main character and check out these 10 hilarious Agent 47 memes.

10 How Does He Do It?

Few doubt that the series is worthy of being placed in the best stealth games to be made. Still, it’s hard not to scoff at the fact that 47 can carry a truckload of things on his person without being detected.

While 2016’s Hitman removed the “magic pockets,” where he could carry large rifles without being spotted, the game makes an exception for non-ballistic weapons. This doesn’t explain how he can carry a bunch of things that should easily be spotted even after he’s frisked, making him something of a magician.

9 No Love For Dad

47 is the product of DNA-merging, and has five five fathers. One of these is Dr. Ort-Meyer, who’s also the villain of the original game. One would think being the genetic child of Ort-Meyer would mean 47 works for him. However, he ends up taking Ort-Meyer’s life instead.

This represents a big fail on Ort-Meyer’s part, while simultaneously making 47 look like a badass. Putting it in the context of a meme makes it seem like 47 ended up hilariously trolling Ort-Meyer instead, though.

8 Not The Accurate 47

One of the many reasons Hitman is among the best spy games ever is the fact that 47 actually acts like an assassin. In fact, going the guns blazing route is a surefire way of ensuring a failed mission. 47 is notorious for strictly abiding the incognito formula, something that is essential to his character.

However, the films portray a much different 47. This one doesn’t really care about being a silent assassin. Instead, the film 47 pretty much shoots anything with a pulse and does weird poses in a bid to look cool.

7 All For Nothing

You’ll find more than enough pro tips and weapons scattered throughout any Hitman mission. And yet, 47 isn’t suited to being bullet-heavy, as the shootout sequences don’t go well with his fighting technique.

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There’s also the matter of how using assault rifles guarantees a lowered rating. This means even silenced rifles don’t count for much, making them more of a liability since they can easily be detected. So, all 47 can do is admire these guns and accept the fact that he can’t use them.

6 The Secret Formula

The series has been compared with Metal Gear for certain thematic similarities. One of these, despite not an official likeness, has to be how the player ends up replaying sequences after constant failures. In-universe, 47 might be hailed as the perfect assassin, but gameplay tells a different story.

The truth is that players usually have to face multiple instances where their covers are blown. It’s only through reloading from a checkpoint that they accomplish the “perfect” assassination. In reality, 47 is hardly that master assassin he’s played up to be if he has to rely on checkpoints.

5 That's Awful Preparation

2016’s Hitman brought the series over to the sandbox genre. Here, 47’s dropped off in a huge location where he has to find ways to kill his targets. However, that doesn’t really make sense where his preparation is concerned.

Considering he has to poison his targets in certain missions, why would he search these enormous areas for poison if he can simply bring it with him? There’s also the matter of how 47 always manages to find poison even though the chances of that happening in reality are close to none.

4 One-Man Army Indeed

Many players master the map to such a degree that they can easily kill off every attacker. This, though, makes 47 look like a literal army in himself. Considering his signature weapon consists of handguns, it’s laughable how he’s the one who wins.

This is funnier still once you realize that the people he’s mowing down are skilled security squads in themselves. Not only that, but these men have assault rifles and the numbers’ advantage, all of which seem to count for nothing next to 47.

3 Good Enough

2016’s Hitman has been lauded as being perhaps the best in the series. This does require one to suspend their disbelief, though, as blending 47 doesn’t make much sense. Despite clearly looking like he doesn’t belong in the place he’s infiltrating, 47’s plain disguise somehow works.

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During moments where he might be busted, all one has to do is engage 47 in a background event and the enforcer will automatically stop investigating him. In reality, his disguise should come across much like how it’s depicted in this meme.

2 What's The Money For?

47’s motivations to be an assassin are different compared to other protagonists in this genre. For him, completing hits is simply part of a job, and he doesn’t let morality get in the way. His payments carry big amounts too, but as to what he puts this money for is a mystery.

After all, the guy’s never seen socializing or engaging in any activity outside of his assassinations. He has no family or friends either, which leaves a big question over what he does in his free time. Considering he’s made enough money by now, there’s no really no point for him to kill anyone anymore.

1 47's Weird Preference

It seems the assassin life might be pretty cool based on the weapons at one’s disposal. Just one look at the options 47 has is pretty impressive, yet his default setting is to prefer coins in his arsenal over real equipment.

While this makes sense in the context of staying disguised, with coins used to distract people, it doesn’t work all that well with the coolness factor. Taken at face value, 47 comes across as something of a loon who denies obviously handy equipment in favor of spare change.

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