With the release of Hitman 3, the current iteration of the Hitman series will come to a close. There's a lot of history leading Agent 47 to this point, and IO Interactive is closing it up with one last hurrah.

Said hurrah will bring the story of the current generation of Hitman to a close in Hitman 3, which sees Agent 47 and his estranged brother taking down a secret organization. IO Interactive has now officially confirmed each of the game's six locations. Each one of these will (presumably) offer a lot of replay value and many methods to accomplish its assassinations. The first location has been known for some time and even shown off a bit: the top floors and exterior of the tallest building in the world, located in Dubai.

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The second mission takes place in Dartmoor, located in the United Kingdom. Specifically, the mission takes place inside a mansion where a murder has just been committed. Obviously everyone present will be quite on edge, but one option is for Agent 47 to take on the appearance of the detective in charge of the case. It's certainly a unique approach, and the possibilities for hidden methods of assassinating someone in a Victorian mansion are intriguing.

hitman 3 (2)

The third location of the game is Berlin, Germany. Specifically, IO Interactive says that the mission will take place on the outskirts of Berlin, where players can find anything from quiet contemplation to a rave. Since this is the first mission that takes place within a city setting, it's likely that players will make extensive use of Hitman 3's consistent shortcut mechanic. One of the joys of a Hitman game is playing through a level several times in order to find optimal assassination methods, and these shortcuts open up new (literal) avenues of possibility in each level.

Fourth in the locations is the city of Chonqing, China, another tightly packed city location. IO has already revealed a little about the Chonqing mission, which looks to take full advantage of the neon-drenched location. The fifth area is more ambiguous, taking place in Mendoza, Argentina. From the description on IO's website, it sounds like the mission will take place at a vineyard, but more than that is unknown.

The sixth and final mission sees Agent 47 return to the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. What awaits him there is unknown, but it will spell the end of this run of Hitman titles. As for IO, it's already started recruiting for its Project 007. Here's hoping for the next great James Bond game in the future.

Hitman 3 will launch on January 20 on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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