Developers IO Interactive created a living, breathing world when they made Hitman 2. The game levels aren’t only full of people, gossip, and exotic locations: they’re also overflowing with incredibly designed and curated weapons for Agent 47 to use.

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While there are loads of guns to go around in Hitman 2, sometimes players feel like going a little medieval on their enemies. IO doesn’t disappoint here. Nearly every single level has at least a couple of medieval weapons lying around, just waiting for the right assassin to claim them. These weapons range from the small and stealthy to the over-the-top and devastating. In Hitman 2, there really is something for everyone.

Hawke’s Bay

Agent 47 walks away from an explosion on the beach of Hawke's Bay in Hitman 2

Katana & Shuriken

Many people may forget that Japan also had a medieval period roughly around the same time as Europe. The katana date back to the feudal period in Japan, placing their origin almost 1,000 years in the past. The shuriken came about a bit later, but it’s still sufficiently old to deserve a place on this list.

To claim both of these weapons, go to the mansion in Hawke’s Bay. On Level 1, on the north side of the house, there’s a panic room. Both the katana and shuriken can be found within, as well as some other useful gear.


The Global Innovation Race from the Miami level of Hitman 2. Racecars drive past crowds.

Battle Axe

The bright, modern buildings surrounding the Grand Innovation Race track make for a crazy juxtaposition with this next weapon. The large, two-handed battle axe in Hitman 2 can be found on Level 3 of the Kronstadt building, west of the race track. There’s a small room wedged between the rooftop garden and the helipad where Agent 47 can pick up this behemoth of a weapon. Now imagine wielding the battle axe while wearing a pink flamingo suit.


Now, the didgeridoo isn’t quite medieval, and it’s not exactly a weapon in real life. But the didgeridoo dates back over a thousand years, making it the oldest item on this list. It’s also hilarious to bonk enemies on the head with. Get one for yourself by heading into the Bayside Tunnel, which is on Level -1 on the southern edge of the map.


Agent 47 hides in the bushes using stealth as he infiltrates a train yard in Mumbai


This thin metal mace of Indian origin can be traced back millennia to a ceremonial staff carried around by those people who had the audacity to kill a Brahmin, priests who belonged to the upper echelons of society.

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There are two khatvangas to be found in Mumbai, in two separate train cars parked in the Train Yard. Head to the southwest corner of the map to find this area.


This glistening sword can be found on Level 4 of the high-rise building, inside a room adjacent to the Film Shoot. If you have trouble navigating the Mumbai level, check out this handy guide.

Whittleton Creek

The town of Whittleton Creek in Hitman 2. Trees with autumn leaves border a blue house.

Battle Axe

Another battle axe can be found in Whittleton Creek, this time in a rather odd location. While the town of Whittleton Creek may look like a normal suburban hellscape from street level, head underground and discover a hidden side to this little place.

Head to the southern end of the main city block in the level, where players will find Schmidt’s House. Go downstairs into the basement, where you’ll find a vault, with another locked door behind it. Thankfully, Schmidt has left the keycard to the vault in the same room, leaving the battle axe within arm’s reach. If players need further assistance on Whittleton Creek, this walkthrough guides players on all the major assassinations and challenges.

Isle Of Sgail

The concert stage on the Isle of Sgail from Hitman 2, with castle walls and towers behind

This remote island in the North Sea is the holy grail for medieval weapons. Set inside a medieval Scottish castle, the Isle of Sgail is absolutely brimming with everyone’s favorites, from swords to maces and even Viking gear. To complete the look, players can even grab a suit of armor.

Viking Axe

Viking Axe Location From Hitman 2

There are two Viking axes on the Isle of Sgail, one of which is located close to the default entrance to the level. On Level 1 of the island next to the Main Gate is a locked closet. Break-in here and grab yourself a little reminder of the Viking raids of days gone by.

For the adventurous assassin, there’s another Viking axe tucked away in the Constant’s Library, inside his tower on the northernmost part of the map. Use stealth or a disguise to secure this weapon, as guards are on high alert here.


Map of Isle of Sgail showing location of the broadsword in Hitman 2

The broadsword is possibly the game’s largest melee weapon. It looks ridiculous to use, yet it’s brutally effective at silently one-shotting guards. To put it bluntly, it’s a load of fun to run around with.

There’s only one broadsword in the entire game. To pick it up, head to the Penthouse on the top floor of the castle tower. Be careful though, as it’s off-limits to all but the highest-ranking members of the Ark Society and their bodyguards.


Saber Location From Hitman 2

The first saber on the Isle of Sgail is locked away inside a display case in a hallway on Level 4 of the Ark Society tower, attached to the castle’s main building. A second saber can be found on Level 6 of the north tower inside the Constant’s Office.

Khatvanga & Katana

Katana and Khatvanga Location From Hitman 2

Treasure hunters Zoe and Sophia Washington appear to have brought this khatvanga back from a trip to India. Steal it for 47 by heading to the southwest corner of the castle’s main building on Level 3. Yet another trophy of the Washington sisters, this katana is located inside the Gallery on Level 3.

RELATED: Dark Souls 3: All Katanas Ranked (& PVP Tips)

Battle Axe

Locations for the battle axe on Hitman 2's Isle of Sgail map

If there’s one thing the Ark Society seems to love, it’s axes. Pick up the first battle axe by heading to the southwest corner of the map, just west of the giant phoenix statue. You’ll find it inside the building on Level 4. A further battle axe is located atop the Ark Society tower in the Level 8 Penthouse and is yet another reason why the Isle of Sgail is one of the best maps in Hitman 2.

Sapper’s Axe

The sapper's axe location on Hitman 2's Isle of Sgail

An intricately designed and elegant weapon supposedly used by Napoleon’s military engineers, this axe is also stashed away inside the Level 8 Penthouse.


Mace Location From Hitman 2

Surprisingly non-lethal, this savage-looking metal monstrosity is also found inside the Ark Society Penthouse on Level 8.

However, two other locations are more easily accessed. Head downstairs into the Catacombs underneath the main building, or head to Level 3 of the main building and check inside a room in the southwest corner of that building.

New York

Hitman New York

New York City has been portrayed in movies countless times, but Hitman 2’s New York level, set inside a gilded, Neo-classical bank is a marvel to look at. It’s also got some great stealth weapons for 47 tucked away in the safety deposit boxes downstairs on Level -1.

Antique Curved Knife

Location for the antique knife on the New York map from Hitman 2

Start at the safety deposit box room downstairs. The antique curved knife is stowed away inside a deposit box in the northeast corner of the lower level.

Burial Dagger

Locations for the burial dagger on Hitman 2's New York map

On the same level, head to the northwest corner where you’ll find the burial dagger stored inside a deposit box. Another can be found in the heavily guarded, locked vault on the south end of the bank.


Location of the Tanto sword on Hitman 2's New York map

A small blade of Japanese origin, the tanto were supposedly carried by ninjas pretending to be Buddhist monks. That’s one fitting story for Agent 47, master of disguise. Claim the Tanto for yourself by heading to the Private Chambers next to the large Director’s Office on Level 3.

Haven Island

The island mansion belonging to Tyson Williams in the Maldives, on the map Haven Island from Hitman 2

Jarl’s Pirate Saber

Located in the middle of the small island in the northeast corner of Hitman2’s Maldives map, the Jarl’s Pirate Saber is a bit conspicuous. But if players feel like roleplaying Jack Sparrow, IO has them covered.

Hitman 2 is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia.

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