Disguises have been a core part of the Hitman franchise for as long as fans can remember. Once Agent 47 slips out of his signature suit and into something a bit deadlier, players can access new areas, sneak up on targets unnoticed, and look slick while doing it.

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But the suit of armor on Hitman 2’s Isle of Sgail is a bit special. While guards will attack 47 on sight while wearing the suit, it significantly reduces incoming bullet damage. In other words, you become a bit of a tank. While brandishing an assault rifle or other automatic weapon, Isle of Sgail’s suit of armor can make a rerun of one of Hitman's best levels all the more fun.

Knight’s Armor Benefits

Agent 47 shoots a guard with an assault rifle wearing a knight's armor. Visible muzzle flash.

Perhaps the most important benefit of wearing a suit of armor is its drastic reduction in incoming bullet damage. Agent 47 will survive for longer against well-armed opponents.

But there are added benefits, too. If you want to disengage from combat, there are several empty plinths located around the castle grounds. Interact with these, and 47 will blend in, making an easy getaway while hanging onto the armor. Blending in here also completes the Isle of Sgail level challenge “None Shall Pass”. While you're at it, you can read up on how to complete Hitman 3's "Let's Go Hunting" challenge, where you can obtain a powerful sniper rifle.

However, many of 47’s agile movements are impossible to execute while wearing the knight’s armor disguise. 47 will be unable to crouch or use the game’s cover system, and enemies will attack on sight.

Suit Of Armor Location

Two suits of knight's armor disguises and an iron maiden, in the Penthouse on Isle of Sgail from Hitman 2

There are only two suits of armor on the entire map, both of which are located in the glass-walled Penthouse on the top floor of the castle tower. Both stand adjacent to an iron maiden (the torture device, not the band), which can conveniently be used to assassinate one of 47’s targets during the Ark Society mission.

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The tower is heavily guarded. Walking up the stairs in 47’s default outfit won’t get players far, but the sandbox nature of the game does offer several alternative ways to reach the penthouse. Which approach players choose depends on their playstyle, but here are two of the best ways to snag that suit of armor.

Disguise Yourself As Jebediah Block

Hitman 2's Agent 47 wearing the Jebediah Block disguise, on the Ark Society mission on Isle of Sgail

One of the most powerful disguises available in the level, Jebediah Block is a titan of industry and council member of the Ark Society, a secret organization of the most wealthy and powerful people on the planet. If 47 wears Block’s robes and double-faced Janus mask, he can infiltrate the tower without a single person questioning him.

Make your way to the Armory Roof on the west side of the island. The location has a rotating satellite dish that makes it easily identifiable from a distance.

Block is protected by four armed guards. Dispose of these as you wish. There is plenty of cover to work with here, so luring guards away one at a time using coins or other distractions is a viable option. That being said, if you trust your aim, a few well-placed headshots when certain guards have their backs turned can also make quick work of the situation. These multiple possibilities are just one reason why Hitman games are considered some of the best stealth games out there.

Two sets of doors on the Isle of Sgail in Hitman 2

With the disguise in hand, cross the bridge and enter the main building through the double doors on the right. Block’s disguise will get 47 to the Conclave on the second-from-the-top floor in the tower, with the Penthouse off-limits to start with.

Agent 47 kills Sophia Washington during the Winds Of Change mission by throwing her in an iron maiden

The easiest way to bypass this is to complete the Winds of Change story mission. With the disguise in hand, meet with Sophia Washington, who hangs out inside the castle’s main building. Follow Sophia to the council meeting, then vote against her when the time comes. She’ll take 47, disguised as Block, up to the Penthouse.

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While a few guards will follow at first, she will ultimately dismiss them, leaving 47 and Sophia alone. Chuck her inside the iron maiden while she isn’t looking, and the suit of armor will be yours (and just imagine doing that in VR)!

Using Stealth, Climb The Tower

Stone Circle on Isle of Sgail in Hitman 2. Guards and a priest stand nearby

Hitman 2's developers, IO Interactive, have crafted an intricate, connected level that players can use to their advantage (though that doesn't mean they don't make mistakes). An alternative way to claim a suit of armor for 47 is to scale the tower using the many gutters and ledges along its exterior.

Start at the Stone Circle, a Neolithic monument on the northeast side of the island. Facing the circle, go left around the north side of the tower’s base, where you’ll find a gutter.

Agent 47 walks toward a gutter on the castle tower in Isle of Sgail

Climb as high as you can go with this, then creep right along the ledge until you can enter a window.

Composite image of Agent 47 in a hallway and a castle balcony

Climb through the window, then take the door at the end of the hall out onto a balcony. There’s another gutter here in the corner. Climb this one too, then exit onto the balcony on the right.

You’re nearly there. At the end of this balcony is yet another gutter, the last one you’ll need to take before walking down the stairs like a normal person in your 50-pound suit of armor.

Hitman 2's Agent 47 hangs from a ledge outside an old castle on Isle of Sgail

Before you make the leap to the final ledge outside the Penthouse, be careful: the area is heavily patrolled by guards with assault rifles. Make sure the guard on the balcony has his back turned before moving into position.

Deal with the guards however you like (there are plenty of medieval melee weapons in the Penthouse if that’s your thing), and don your well-earned armor.

Hitman 2 is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia.

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