Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is no stranger to fanmade mods for its roster of characters. Many modders go the route of creating additional characters for the roster rigged and modeled over an existing character, while others create brand-new costumes for some of these characters. This can lead to some creative and wonderfully unique designs, such as a Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7-themed costume for Pichu. One modder however went a different direction and created a hilarious mod for the last DLC character of the game, Sora.

Sora hails from Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts series, being an icon for some gamers. One of Sora's most iconic weapons is the keyblade, a unique key-shaped sword that he uses to fight the Heartless. This allows him to use it as a weapon to hit enemies with the ends of it, or use it to cast spells, being able to summon Fire, Lightning, and Ice magic. While this weapon is an integral part of Sora's character, one modder replaces it with something more unfitting and out-of-place.

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This mod, simply titled "Sora with a Shotgun" was created by modder unbecomingname, and sees Sora's Keyblade model now swapped with a shotgun. The shotgun itself comes from Valve's Team Fortress 2, which is a standard weapon for most of the playable mercenaries. The sight of Sora wielding a shotgun to cast magic or even hit his enemies with like it was still his keyblade is a hilarious sight to behold.

This Sora mod even comes with custom-made Super Smash Bros. Ultimate styled UI images in the character select screen, that has him running and even loading the shotgun. The mod even describes it using custom audio, where it uses a reload and shotgun blast sound effect when casting magic. This is more obvious when using his "Firaga" magic, where it is the one the most resembles him shooting the opponent with the gun.

As the gun itself is a skin for the Keyblade, there are still some parts of the mod that don't adjust for it. For example, Sora's hands are still rigged to hold it like the original weapon, so he's not holding the weapon correctly. It's even more obvious when executing his Final Smash, where the shotgun is held upside down, like in the original keyblade. Regardless, it's still a hilarious sight that shows Sora using something completely out of his element, and gives fans something to laugh about.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available now exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

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