Sony tried their hand at the portable gaming space with two devices; the PSP in 2005 and the PS Vita in 2012. The former was successful enough to warrant a successor, but the Vita failed to make as big a splash and Sony quickly stopped supporting it & is unlikely to make a successor anytime soon.

Related: 10 Mistakes Microsoft And Sony Could Make The Next Generation (We Really Hope They Don't)

The Vita was a fine device in its own right, however, and many Sony fans are sad they will not receive a mobile counterpart to the PlayStation 5. The memes below remind gamers of all the good times they had with these two systems, and some of the humor that came from their experiences.

10 PSP Go To The PSN Store

PSP Go meme

PSP Go is often the laughing stock of the three devices. It was a redesigned PSP minus the UMD drive to focus solely on downloading games. The idea was a little too bleeding edge, since in 2009 gamers were still used to physical media. The actual redesign feels great in gamers' hands, however, particularly the analog nub being moved to the inside of the device.

9 The Original Switch

PSP original switch meme

Like the Nintendo Switch, the PSP and Vita had ports of console games to play on the go. Unfortunately, some of the ports were inferior to their console counterparts. The Vita in particular marketed itself on having ports of classic PS2 games and current PS3 games. Some of these examples, like the Jak and Daxter Trilogy and Ratchet and Clank Collection, were choppy and visually underwhelming, something especially disappointing considering those are older PlayStation 2 classics.

8 Sleep Mode

Sleep mode death don't lose progress copy

Even though the battery was chargeable, sometimes the PSP would lose all of its juice during long trips. Do not fear if the system dies in the middle of a play session. Unlike the Game Boy and its family, a dead battery does not reset progress and make the player reboot the game. Charge up the battery and then start off the play session where the game stopped.

7 The Original Switch Lite

PSP Switch Lite Meme copy

The PS Vita was great back in 2012 when it originally released, but as time goes on it becomes less valuable. It became all the more obsolete once the Nintendo Switch came out in 2017. Sincere thoughts and sympathies go out to anybody whose parents refused to buy the Switch because they did not think it was any different than the mobile device they already had at home. At least they can still play Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions.

6 Be Careful With Ebay

Ebay cheaper for a reason meme

Connecting shoppers and buyers from all over the country was a revelation back when Ebay first appeared. However, there is always the risk of scams, as the above image shows.

Related: 10 Canceled PSP And PlayStation Vita Games You Never Knew Existed

Nothing hurts more in life than buying a product, waiting several days or a week to receive it, and then opening the box only to find out you've been had. Other than official channels, there is little one can do to rectify the situation.

5 They Have A Point

PSP spoiled kid meme

People look at kids with cell phones these days and think they are all spoiled brats who don't appreciate life because they look at the world through the Internet instead of appreciating what is around them. However, anybody who thinks they had a "realer" childhood because they had a PSP and not a cell phone does not remember how Sony's handheld was a luxury product. Any kid in school playing one during recess was envied by all their classmates.

4 The Nail In The Coffin

Vita isn't dead meme copy

Nintendo was always the dominant force in handheld gaming. When the Switch came along, however, they sucked all the air out the room, leaving no oxygen for any potential competitor to even make a stand in the mobile market. Telling someone in 2011 that Skyrim would run well on a handheld would likely elicit strange looks. As good as the Vita is with its exclusives, it cannot compare to the Switch's power.

3 It Is Inevitable

Thanos PSP

Gamers are thankful the PSP does not have any hands, otherwise the Thanos PSP would quickly snap half of all life out of existence. Because it lacks limbs, all it can do is play games in style. Some people like their gaming platforms to look unique, either by purchasing special editions or customizing it themselves. The only disadvantage to owning this console would be the risk of losing half of every other console and their gaming library.

2 Can't We All Just Get Along?

PS Vita Or Switch Meme

A console war is child's play. Wiser gamers understand the futility of pitting companies against each other in such a way. While the Switch is technically a better system due to its newness and technological advantages, the Vita was a fine system in its day and still has some value. A handful of exclusives still make owning one worth while. It can also play a handful of PSP games and PlayStation One classics. It is still the best way to play Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together.

1 Meow

Psp-vs-Pspsp-meme-3675 copy

Like everything in life, games are made better when cats are involved. People eventually noticed and took advantage of the PSP's letters sounding akin to a cat call if one pronounces it in a certain way. One has to be careful, though; the last thing someone wants is a cat scratching a PSP's screen, permanently ruining the device. The feline is not attracted to what's on the screen, but instead they are frustrated with their inability to play from lack of thumbs.

Next: 10 Hidden Gems Everyone Missed On The PSP And Vita