Overwatch is full of memorable heroes, but few require as much skill to use correctly as Doomfist. However, while the combo-focused Overwatch hero has a lot of abilities at his disposal, a recent clip highlights two players that are afraid to use them.

Doomfist is built around chaining abilities together, and those that master his skills can use the hero very effectively in one-on-one encounters. Rising Uppercut launches enemies into the air, Seismic Slam sees Doomfist hitting the ground, and Rocket Punch can see him dealing immense damage with his gauntlet if players are knocked into a wall. However, he also has a Hand Cannon, with his non-gauntlet hand allowing him to shoot shotgun pellets from his knuckles.

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Given that the Hand Cannon wielded by Doomfist is modeled off a shotgun, it is all abOverwatch | Game ZXCout dealing close range damage. While it can be effective when worked into his punch-heavy combos, the weapon is borderline useless at long range. With the pellets spreading so much, they deal minuscule damage when connecting to a far-off target. However, this is exactly what makes a clip from Jeyzor so funny, as two different Doomfists resort to using their Hand Cannons to fight each other from far away.

Taking place on the top level of one of the buildings from the Overwatch map Ilios, this fight is jokingly described as the “most intense 1v1” players will ever see. The fight seen in the clip is absolutely hilarious, as the two Doomfist players refuse to engage with one another in a proper battle. While the battle would be significantly quicker if the two were using their abilities, it is a lot more fun watching them fire their Hand Cannons for 15 seconds straight. With the players on opposite ends of a walkway, they are dealing less than 20 damage a shot, which ensures that the fight lasts a bit since Doomfist has 250 health.

Perhaps the funniest part of the clip is the kill feed in the upper right corner. Clearly, there is plenty of fighting going on elsewhere in the Overwatch match, likely on the objective. However, instead of these two Doomfist players running off to help their team, they choose to spend their time fighting each other away from the point. While this likely frustrated their teammates, it resulted in some hilarious footage on par with other funny Overwatch clips, and the 10,000 upvotes the post has received shows how much other gamers appreciated the video.

With Overwatch 2’s release likely still far away, players will need to keep busy on the original game for some time. Alongside events like Overwatch Lunar New Year 2022, clips like these will go a long way to keeping discussion around the franchise alive.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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