NieR: Automata follows the story of two androids tasked with preserving a broken world. Humanity has abandoned the planet in response to an alien invasion and left behind a variety of different androids to ensure the planet is returned to its once habitable state. As well as ensuring the world is hospitable, the androids must rid the planet of all its alien occupants.

The story of NieR: Automata is wrought with heart-wrenchingly painful moments and revelations, but sometimes it's nice to poke fun at how serious it is. Fans of the franchise have been creating some truly hilarious memes about the game and its characters since it was first released, with the memes about 2B being some of the funniest yet.

7 Surprised 2B

2B's head photoshopped onto the Surprised Pikachu meme

The Surprised Pikachu meme has been used in a variety of different ways to convey feelings of shock in response to someone's actions. These memes tend to allude to an action with obvious repercussions while depicting the performer of said action in a state of shock regarding the consequences.

2B has been programmed to destroy all the machine lifeforms roaming the planet. Her task is simple for the most part, as she believes the machines are non-sentient. However, there are several moments where she is forced to wonder if they can truly feel emotion. Though she firmly believes that androids are unable to feel emotion even though they act as they can, the idea that a machine could mimic this behavior baffles her.

6 "Nines... I Don't Feel So Good...."

2B fading away like Spider-Man in Avengers: Infinity War

After becoming infected by the Logic Virus, 2B takes it upon herself to get as far away from the Flooded city as possible to prevent anyone else from being harmed. She eventually encounters A2 upon reaching the Mall Complex and asks her for a favor.

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9S arrives too late and can only watch as A2 plunges her sword into 2B's chest. The game sees 2B collapsing to the ground, but this meme depicts her fading away similarly to how Spider-Man did in Avengers: Infinity War. With the correct context, 2B's death is one of the saddest moments in all of NieR, but it's hard not to laugh at how comical her demise looks in the meme.

5 Ending K

2B eats a fish in NieR: Automata

NieR: Automata is, for the most part, a very serious game, but it features several moments of much-needed levity to enhance the tone it aims to convey. Certain actions in the game will result in a sudden game over and, though they are often deserved, some are implemented in ridiculous ways.

One of the most ludicrous endings in the game will see 2B attempting to eat a mackerel. Eating food in most games would usually heal a protagonist, but doing so in NieR: Automata will swiftly kill them. Food isn't required for an android to survive, so consuming a fish would presumably mess with 2B's inner hardware. This meme pokes fun at 2B's willingness to digest food she knows she shouldn't.

4 NieR: Automata Vs. FaR Automata

NieR_ Automata vs. FaR_ Automata

The meaning behind the title of NieR: Automata has always been somewhat of a mystery to fans of the series. "Automata" is likely inspired by "automaton," a word that describes a machine that mimics human behavior, but little else is known about the word "NieR."

Though its definition is unknown, it is hard to ignore how easily the word "NieR" can be turned into a meme. This meme in particular features a close-up of 2B's face with the caption "NieR: Automata" and a distant shot of her below captioned "FaR: Automata." Fans of puns will likely adore the simplicity of this image, but haters of dad jokes may despise it.

3 How To Talk To Short People

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9S's role in NieR: Automata sees him playing the inexperienced younger brother to the more mature and capable 2B. Their dynamic is made clear early on and, though they hold similar positions in YoRHa, fans can't help but visualize 2B as superior.

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Though 9S and 2B are roughly the same height, 2B is presented as much taller in this meme. She is so tall in fact, that she needs to hunch over to converse with her vertically challenge companion. She rectifies this approach, however, and tries to talk to 9S correctly by picking him up by his shoulders and holding him off the ground.

2 2B Loses All Hope

2B loses all hope in NieR: Automata

2B is forced to experience some truly devastating incidents during the story of NieR: Automata. She handles most of these heart-wrenching moments quite well, but there is only so much she can cope with before she breaks.

Unlike most NieR: Automata memes, this one references the entire story and how 2B reacts to it. The harsh journey she is forced to go on has left her hopeless and hollow, but this image makes a much-needed joke about it. The somber expression she wears on her face further amplifies her feelings of sorrow, making the meme much funnier as a result.

1 "Always Has Been"

2B aims a gun at 9S in NieR: Automata

The Always Has Been meme became incredibly popular in 2019 and has undergone multiple changes since. The template of this meme was first used to depict two astronauts in space hovering above Earth. One of the astronauts asked "Wait, it's all Ohio?" to which his comrade replied "Always has been" while aiming a gun at his back. Its simple premise has been repurposed countless times to evoke different reactions, but its depiction of 2B and 9S is arguably one of the best.

A great deal of effort went into the design of this meme through both the character models and the environment, making it one of the best Nier: Automata memes to have ever been crafted. It features 2B aiming a gun at 9S while the two stare off into an artificial world. What makes this particular meme stand out from the rest is how 9S's words are blurred out by pixels, making the entire exchange feel absurd. It also gets bonus points for depicting 2B as a much more dangerous entity by allowing her to wield a gun.

NieR: Automata is available to play on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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