Every game has glitches, some good, some bad, and some that are so great that they leave you rolling on the floor with laughter. Ghost of Tsushima is no exception to glitches. This beautifully made game has been home to some of the best glitches that fans have seen since Bethesda made their last game.

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Take a moment to picture Jin's body getting distorted in weird ways, Mongol captains that just won't die, and Jin standing uncomfortably close to his allies refusing to speak. Here are some of these great moments that fans have been enjoying.

10 Zombie Captains

Pretty late in the game's story, players get the ability to decapitate Mongol leaders from the shadows and inflict terror on anyone who sees. This move is amazing for those who love to be sneaking but has recently part of one of the funniest Ghost of Tsushima glitches. Sometimes these Mongol leaders just don't know when to stay dead.

Their bodies twist and wiggle until they are crawling around the battlefield clinging onto that last bit of life left inside of them. They might've not realized that their head is gone? Who knows. But fans are hoping this doesn't get patched anytime soon.

9 Bears and Mongols

Bears can be a bit of a nuisance as players run around the wilderness. They aren't an animal that should be taken lightly with their ability to throw players across the map like a ragdoll, though if one does find themselves toe to paw with a bear, they can always try to climb up a cliff for safety.

Some players have found that if you climb up a cliff and quickly jump off the bears can get stuck in an endless loop of jumping up and down the cliffs. Think about that the next time you get chased by one of these furry death machines.

8 Uncomfortably Close

The cutscenes that Ghost of Tsushima has are immaculate, to say the least. It is obvious that Sucker Punch spent a great deal of time crafting some of them, but that doesn't mean they are immune to glitches.

During some missions when Jin enters a small cutscene, he can get a little close to whoever he is talking to. This means he will be up in the face of whoever is speaking and act almost like he is whispering in their ear. It makes for some great cutscenes though as you try to decipher what Jin is saying with a lack of dialogue.

7  Falling Villagers

Each town, survivor camp, and temple have a host of villagers who are seeking refuge from the Mongols. Not all of these villagers are graceful. Some, that fans have noticed, can be a little clumsy at times. The occasional villager will try to take a different route if players are in their way.

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This can lead them to walk over rocks, fences, and wooden beams that will make them fall over and over again. It's hilarious to watch them get up just to fall again and again.

6 Golden Bird Disaster

The little golden birds that lead you to various locations on the map are an amazing feature that brings the animals to life in Ghost of Tsushima. It's too bad that these animals also fall prey to glitches. Some of these birds can easily correct themselves when they fly into a wall or a cliff.

They fly over and you continue to chase them. However, some of these birds can get stuck on these surfaces and spontaneously teleport to their next location. Players have come across golden birds with incorrect flight patterns that get stuck in doorways and on peasants' homes.

5 Terror

Terror builds are an amazing thing. If done right, tons of enemies will be running away at the sight of a player or backing away from the fear struck in their hearts. Sometimes terror can be a bit confusing though.

If players scare the right Mongols, they will go running through their camp screaming at the top of their lungs, yet nobody seems to care. It has made for some interesting gameplay for fans. Perhaps the Mongols just don't care when something scares their brethren, but no matter what the reason is it is hilarious to watch them cower in fear as their allies remain unaware of your presence.

4 Body Distortion

This is perhaps one of the most common glitches in a game like Ghost of Tsushima. Players are used to enemy bodies flailing their arms or getting stuck in positions that they shouldn't be. Ghost is no exception to this glitch as players have noticed Mongol bodies in positions that aren't natural.

For instance, some of these bodies have found themselves glitched through walls and doorways. Some have even been so immobilized that they hang off of cliffs unable to fall off. No matter where they end up, these bodies are hilarious to look at either way and make for a great photoshoot.

3 Teleporting horses

A player's horse is an essential part of your journey across the island of Tsushima. From the very beginning, it warns you that your horse will be with you throughout the campaign. But did you know that your horse is magical?

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This isn't our way of mentioning how your horse finds you no matter where you are or how far you have traveled, but instead how your horse can teleport to you even when you are in sight of it. Your horse can glitch through walls and even teleport down massive cliffs instead of trotting down the obvious pathway next to it. It is truly something amazing.

2 Saying No To A Standoff

The standoff mechanic is just one of the amazing features this game has to offer that sets it apart from other games in its genre. With it, you can easily take down multiple enemies in a row and thin our the group you are going up against.

Sometimes these Mongols just give up and know when they will be beaten. Players have seen Mongols walk up to Jin ready to fight but then keep on walking when they notice that vicious intent in Jin's eyes. They wander off and don't look back. Makes for an easy fight at least.

1 No Kicking Off Cliffs

The different stances you can learn throughout the game are a pivotal part of helping you defeat different enemy types. With one of these stances, you gain the ability to use the typhoon kick which is useful for knocking enemies to the ground or off a cliff. The problem here is that you can't knock enemies off the cliffs in most areas.

Instead, they hit an invisible wall and land on the cliff's edge. This can be funny to watch, but upsetting when players realize that their dream of kicking someone off a cliff can't be realized.

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