Players will collect all sorts of different talking guns throughout their High on Life journey, and one of those guns shares many similarities with Halo's Needler. The gun is named Sweezy, and her main role in combat makes her almost indistinguishable from the iconic Halo weapon. The inspiration is very apparent, but Squanch Games added plenty of new features that really help make Sweezy stand out.

Halo players have come to know and love the powerful Needler, and it has become one of the most recognizable weapons in the FPS genre. It would only make sense that other shooters would take notice and craft their own versions, and High on Life's Sweezy very much feels like that. Yet, she also feels very different and unique. Halo fans may be drawn in by her abilities, but they will soon discover something very special underneath.

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Halo's Needler is One of the Best Weapons in the Series

Halo Grunt

Halo's Needler may be one of the most popular and well-known weapons in the series. It was first introduced in Halo: Combat Evolved and has appeared in every Halo game since, with a few tweaks and upgrades. It is one of the most common Covenant weapons that players will encounter. The weapon has proven popular enough that it even got its own Nerf gun, and it has almost sort of become a series mascot.

The Needler gets its name from the explosive needles that it shoots at the enemy. Around 14 holes sit on top of the weapon and each has a razor-sharp crystal needle protruding from it. Users will fire these needles into their enemies, and the needles will cause a bit of damage as they impale the target. After a couple of seconds, the needles will explode and cause even more damage. While one needle will not kill someone, many exploding needles certainly will as the explosions combine into a much larger one. It does not give users immediate results, but it can be a powerful tool in someone's arsenal.

High on Life's Sweezy is a Time Bending Maniac

High on Life Sweezy

High on Life's Sweezy is the second gun that many players will acquire, and it shares many similarities with the Needler. Sweezy also shoots spike-like rounds that will impale the enemy and explode after a little while. The spikes do a little bit of damage on impact, and then they will cause even more after they explode. They also protrude from the top of the weapon, and that makes it feel almost identical to the Needler. However, that is where the similarities between the two weapons end as Sweezy is a very different type of gun.

One of the biggest differences is that Sweezy has a face, she talks, and she has a very distinct personality. Every gun in High on Life operates this way, and that makes them all very unique. Sweezy also has two other abilities that can shake up the battlefield in different ways. She can shoot out a temporary time bubble that will slow down any enemy or object inside of it, and the player can pelt the time bubble with needles until it explodes damaging everyone inside. Sweezy also has a charged shot that allows players to explode the crystals and get at enemies hiding behind barriers.

It definitely feels like Squanch Games was inspired by Halo when designing Sweezy, but it seems to have expanded the weapon's toolkit greatly. It has turned the pretty simple exploding crystal concept into a time-bending weapon of mass destruction, and many High on Life players have fallen in love with the charismatic weapon. Now it is 343 Industries' turn to give Master Chief his own Sweezy, but that is probably very unlikely to happen.

High on Life is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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