The Batman is the latest blockbuster superhero film to hit theaters, and has been met with a mostly positive critical response with some believing that Twighlight actor Robert Pattinson's performance as the caped crusader is the best movie portrayal of the character. At least, audiences seem to be enjoying the film, as it is well on its way to reach a $500 million box office haul. With a fresh take on Gotham, the villains and heroes that dwell within the city, The Batman has received worldwide attention.

Alongside film critics and audience members, one famous video game creator has also weighed in with his opinions on the latest Batman movie. Hideo Kojima, creator of Death Stranding, is often regaled as one of gaming's auteurs, as Kojima games can be defined by the influence of their creator. As such, many follow Kojima for his unique take on both video games and other media products. As his Twitter proves, he's often one to share his opinions on the latest movies that he watches.

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Kojima's Twitter has lately been full of Tweets regarding his praise for The Batman. In particular, the video game creator seems to be a fan of Robert Pattinson's performance. In some tweets, Kojima goes into heavy detail on how the direction provided by Matt Reeves for the film elevates Pattinson's performance. "Robert's own presence and acting ability are excellent, but the director has a good way of showing it," said Kojima. He then went on to reference how in a scene showing a topless Bruce Wayne, where Batman is given "flexible back muscles like a ballet dancer, not hard muscles from muscle training and protein soaking."

Fans of Kojima echoed his praise on Twitter, with one user saying "every little detail of Robert’s portrayal is lovingly lavished with attention by Matt Reeves." Kojima also recently bought the original soundtrack for The Batman, again showing his appreciation for the film. Despite his love for The Batman though, it seems Kojima has another Batman title at the center of his heart, as he labeled the LEGO Batman Movie as his favoriteBatman movie.

Kojima is renowned as an icon of gaming, proven by his recent award for Fine Arts given by the Japanese Government. While the creator is currently utilizing his online presence to review movies, he has lately been teasing some new projects that could be in the works. With Kojima's track record of creating intriguing titles, many are waiting to see what he will produce next.

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