
  • The recent picture of Hideo Kojima working on video editing software has sparked rumors of another PlayStation State of Play stream.
  • While State of Play events typically don't happen in October, the photo has fueled speculation that one may be coming soon.
  • It's likely that the promo being edited by Kojima is for Death Stranding 2, as it is the only confirmed PlayStation game his studio is working on.

A seemingly innocuous picture of Hideo Kojima sparked a wave of PlayStation State of Play rumors, raising the somewhat unlikely possibility that another one of Sony's trailer-packed streams is already on the horizon. The photo consequently also inspired additional hope that more Death Stranding 2 news are coming sooner rather than later.

The last PlayStation State of Play livestream happened on September 14. And while Sony holds these broadcasts fairly frequently, its State of Play events historically avoided October since their 2019 inception, deviating from that pattern only once.

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Nevertheless, a newly surfaced picture of Hideo Kojima sitting at a computer has now sparked rumors of another State of Play being just around the corner. The image, posted on Twitter by Kojima's personal assistant Ayako Terashima, shows the famed game designer using what appears to be the Adobe Premiere Pro video editing software. As first spotted by Twitter user ItzPaulHD_v1, the name of the active project depicted in the image appears to start with "State_of_Play." Coupled with Terashima's confirmation that the image was taken on September 27, the post sparked speculation that the next PlayStation State of Play stream is happening soon.

Since starting the tradition of State of Play events four and a half years ago, Sony only held three such quarter-four broadcasts. The first and so far only time that a State of Play livestream happened in October was back in 2021. Granted, the sole notion of Kojima now preparing a trailer for another such event doesn't necessarily imply that a State of Play broadcast is happening as early as next month. Based on his own social media posting history and that of Terashima, the game designer takes between three weeks and several months to edit any given trailer.

Assuming this newly surfaced photo does depict Kojima working on a State of Play video, the subject of that promo is likely Death Stranding 2, the only confirmed PlayStation game that Kojima Productions currently has in the works. Following numerous teasers, the sequel to Death Stranding was originally confirmed in December 2022 with a four-minute trailer debuted at The Game Awards. The promo raised more questions than answers about Death Stranding 2, leaving fans eager for another update from Kojima, with that wait continuing to this day.

Alternatively, if this currently ongoing editing effort doesn't have anything to do with another PlayStation State of Play stream, then Kojima is possibly working on the reveal trailer for his mysterious Xbox console exclusive, rumored to be titled Overdose. But given how Phil Spencer himself just suggested Kojima's Xbox project is still in its infancy, that appears to be a less likely scenario.

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