With the video game icon himself discussing the project various times, it's no secret that Hideo Kojima is currently working on an ambitious new horror game, with many hoping it'll look to replicate his canceled work on Silent Hills. The director has gone on record several times to discuss the upcoming project, including claiming he was influenced by creepy Thai horror film The Eye, with Kojima being far from secretive about the fact something big is in the works.

Many fans thought they'd got yet another hint of what to expect from Kojima's next spectacle a few days ago, with Manga legend Junji Ito revealing he'd allegedly been approached by the Metal Gear and Death Stranding director to work on his next project. As it turns out, however, Ito thinks he might've gotten fans hopes up too high, taking to Twitter to clarify exactly what he meant when hinting that he could potentially be working on Kojima's next epic.

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"I said casually that I received an offer from Mr. Kojima, but in reality, it was a remark made at a party," Ito reveals, assuring fans that it's far from as concrete as his original statement might have seemed. He goes on to state that Hideo Kojima's offer was actually somewhat casual, with the director allegedly telling the Manga artist: "If there is an opportunity, I may ask for your help." While it's clear the quote was an innocent mistake, Ito evidently feels bad about the hype that transpired around it, finishing his tweet by stating: "I apologize to Mr. Kojima and all of the fans to whom I may have given false hope."

Famed for his work on several major horror mangas, including Tomie, Uzumaki, and Gyo, Ito has actually worked with Kojima before, with the pair having plans to work extensively together on Silent Hills prior to its cancellation. It seems pretty clear that Kojima respects the legendary work of the Manga icon, so regardless of whether or not he's officially working on the director's next big project, it's definitely not out of the question to imagine the pair could still combine their genius minds in the future.

As for Kojima, the director has recently been pretty vocal about projects he'd like to pursue now he's done with Death Stranding. Of course, this new horror game definitely seems like his biggest focus, however, the director has also mentioned wanting to work on some smaller games and even an anime at some point as well. Hopefully, the director will hit his fans with some wacky new content sooner rather than later.

MORE: More Than Metal Gear: 10 First Games Hideo Kojima Worked On (With Years)