News for Bayonetta 3 has been surprisingly limited since the game was first announced back in 2017, which has led some fans to wonder if the title has been canceled. However, PlatinumGames has confirmed steady development that is continuing either as expected or within a pace that is within the developer's margins for error, with more updates hopefully coming soon.

In a recent conversation on Arcade Archives, Creative Director Hideki Kamiya commented again on the ongoing development progress of Bayonetta 3. Additionally, Kamiya mentioned that PlatinumGames also has some unannounced projects that the developer is currently working on and hoping reveal soon.

RELATED: Bayonetta 3 Director Confirms Game Is Still In Development

Kamiya's specific comment on Bayonetta 3's development is that he hopes the studio, "can give an update during the year." This is unfortunately where any possible updates on the upcoming title begins and ends, with much of the specifics of the game still being left up in the air after the initial trailer. Hopefully, Kamiya will be given a chance to talk in more detail, something that he seems to be barred from doing as a result of the current level of development that the game is currently in.

bayonetta 3 news 2020

It's possible that the slow development process is either a result of having announced Bayonnetta's move to Switch while the title was still in its earliest stages, or the developer balancing multiple projects at once. In the later case, Kamiya's comments on unannounced projects does mean that PlatinumGames will be continuing at the same pace as it spreads it's development out to more than one game at a time. Considering that the company has been vocal about trying to self-publish games in the future, it's likely that all of these new irons in the fire are a push towards being able to survive on it's own successes.

Some fans have a few different ideas for what exactly is taking so long, with many either pointing to the recent Wonderful 101 remaster as having taken up the attention of the developer. Granted, considering how many of those fans are now hoping to see a sequel to the WiiU title, PlatinumGames might be forgiven for taking the time to give the series another pass on a more popular console. That being said, players are still excited to see what the developer has planned for 2021, with the hype for updates or new trailers on Bayonetta 3 overshadowing quite a few of PlatinumGames' other upcoming projects.

Bayonetta 3 is currently in development by PlatinumGames.

MORE: Why is Bayonetta 3 Trending on Twitter?

Source: (via