Doom Eternal, the sequel to 2016's Doom, is the latest game in the long-running franchise from Id Software. Much like its predecessor, Doom Eternal cements itself as a heart-pounding and adrenaline-pumping thrill ride. In the Doom Slayer's latest outing, the player treks through demonic dimensions, other worlds, and literal hell on earth.

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However, through all the guts and gore, it can be hard to spot these hidden items. For gamers willing to look a little bit harder, they can satisfy their appetite for destruction with these hidden goodies.

10 The Cut Pistol

This is about as hidden as it gets, as this item can only be accessed through a PC mod. Sorry console players. Despite this, this item can still be found in the code of the game, even if it requires some alternative means to access. To acquire the weapon, players need to head over to the internet to gain access to the files. After doing so, they can begin rippin' and tearin' the way the developers almost intended.

9 Soul Cube

Speaking of cut weaponry, one item present but not usable in-game is the Soul Cube from Doom 3. This item is less a tool of mayhem and more a nod to previous games, but to find the shelved weapon, all players need to do is travel to the Doom Slayer's Room in the Fortress of Doom. Once inside, if players look on the desk next to Doom Slayer's computer they can catch a glimpse of this once destructive weapon.

8 Dopefish

It seems Id Software can't make a game without a Dopefish reference. This is ok because less attentive players might easily miss this hilarious fish from Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy.

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To catch a glimpse of these horrific easter eggs scattered throughout the level, players will need to travel to the Cultist Base Level. Replaying this mission is not the only way to spot the fish though, as players can also catch the fish on one of the album covers if individuals can't handle the terrifying 3D model.

7 The Secret Toy

In Doom Eternal, players will find The Doomguy collectibles replaced with Toys shaped into the models of the various demons. As the Slayer gathers collectibles throughout the levels, the player can admire their collection in the Doom Slayer's bedroom. However, if players were to inspect the shelf closer, they will notice an obvious spot for a much larger model.  To find the Secret Toy, players will need to gather all the other Toys in the game's levels. Once players return back to the shelf in the bedroom, they will be greeted with a familiar figurine.

6 At Doom's Gate Album

Doom is a franchise that has always been known for iconic music and heavy-metal guitar riffs. Doom Eternal is a game so overloaded with music, in fact, that it borrows from its previous games.

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The first album players can come across in-game is actually one as old as the series itself. At Doom's Gate, the theme for the original Doom's first mission can be found in the underground section of the main building obscured by a large destructible block.

5 The Armor Sets

Doom Eternal comes with a variety of different suits and weapon skins to adorn. There are three armor skins located in the Fortress of Doom that might not be immediately apparent to gamers. The Praetor, Sentinel, and Doom Marine armor sets are all acquired the same way. After gathering two sentinel batteries, players just need to take them to their respective vaults to gain access. Players can find the Doom Marine Uniform on the third floor in the back of the Fortress of Doom. They can find the Praetor Suit on the right-hand tower and the Sentinal armor on the left-hand tower.

4 A Mastery Token

Having trouble completing the mastery weapon upgrades for Doom Eternal? That's why they put Mastery Tokens in the game! It can be easy to overlook, but the game throws the player a bone in the ninth mission, Taras Nabad. In the main courtyard with the pool of corrosive liquid, if players look in the front left gate, they will notice a coin. To the right of the gate is a statue. If the players make their way behind the statue and press the green button, this token can be used to upgrade the Doom Slayer's arsenal.

3 QuakeCon Mode

Cheat codes and video games go hand-in-hand, which is why players might have rushed to find all the cheat codes in the levels of the game as soon as they could. Unfortunately, not all cheat codes can be found within the missions of the game.

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If you haven't already fully upgraded your suit, this is the only way to unlock the final cheat code. After upgrading the last node on the "Suit" screen, players can travel back to the mission select terminal where they will find QuakeCon Mode. This is a cheat code that acts as the player's own personal crowd reacting to their gameplay.

2 The Doom Slayer's Computer

As far as in-game hidden items go, few come close to the Doom Slayer's computer found in his bedroom at the Fortress of Doom. If players were to interact with the computer, they will notice one file downloading with a second file locked behind a password. At first glance, it might seem like nothing, but in reality, this computer is hiding the fact that Doom 1 & 2 are hidden within the game. Given that these games are still being sold today, players really get three games for the price of one.

1 Unmaykr

Doom Eternal light shining on Unmaykr

Players who finished the game might have noticed an empty spot left on the Doom Slayer's gun rack. This slot belongs to the iconic weapon, the Unmaker (renamed the Unmakyr) from Doom 64.  To procure this one of a kind weapon, players will have to conquer all six Slayer Gates and gather their respective Empyrean Keys.

Once they return to the Maykr Device at the back of their Fortress of Doom, players can claim their prize, a weapon that not only rivals the BFG 9000 but one that can utilize energy cell ammunition. This weapon can make short work of any demon and makes taking on the hordes of hellspawn a breeze.

NEXT: 10 Hidden Secrets Many Still Haven't Found In Doom Eternal