Starting in Track 2, players of Hi-Fi Rush may notice that Chai isn't the only person visiting every corner of the Vandelay campus. A robot known only as the HR investigator is also making the rounds, accompanied by his long-suffering assistant.

To some extent, the investigator is a reference to The Evil Within series, which was also made by Tango Gameworks and stars a police detective. However, he's also a general reference to noir tropes like melancholy monologues and long overcoats. Either way, players who track down his every location in Hi-Fi Rush will get two rewards for doing so. Here's where to find him.

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HR Investigator Locations in Hi-Fi Rush

Hi-Fi Rush HR 2

Most players will spot the HR investigator in Track 2 since he's standing next to a poster in the reception area outside the boss room. Simply walk up and listen to what he has to say.

Hi-Fi Rush HR 3

The investigator is also easy to spot in Track 3. He's standing next to a robotic crime scene just past the first testing chamber. Again, the game will only count the player as "finding" the HR investigator if they listen to his monologue.

Hi-Fi Rush HR 4

Track 4 is where the investigator starts becoming hard to find. After leaving the initial office area, Chai has to climb up a drill to return to the R&D Department. Instead of doing that, check around the base of the drill for rocks that periodically rise out of the lava.

There are a pair of rocks that lead to an obvious location and a single rock that leads to an area concealed by flowing lava. Players will need good timing to get across, but if they manage it, they'll find a vlog, a chest, and the HR investigator musing about hard-to-find rewards.

hi fi rush track 5 armstrong 6

In Track 5, Chai has to go through a 2D segment when leaving Node 1. At the first big jump down, players should instead jump up and to the left to find a secret passage. This leads to the investigator's secret office, which also has an Armstrong circuit and one of the drones the security bot is looking for.

hi fi rush track 7 reverb

The next time players will encounter the investigator is in Track 7. After the first 2D climb up Tower 1, Chai enters a side area to use a jump pad. After using this pad, check the room for boxes and platforms that lead up to a higher ledge. The investigator is standing next to a reverb piece and philosophizing about soft drinks.

Hi-Fi Rush HR 8

For Track 8, players should look around after the big fight on the suspended catwalk that crashes down to the ground. The HR investigator is standing among the ruins.

Hi-Fi Rush HR 10

The investigator's next location is in Track 10. After taking the first double rail, don't go forward into the next office but instead, check the left side of the building Chai is on for a balcony. The investigator is down here trying to avoid work.

Hi-Fi Rush HR 1

The last location players will find the HR investigator is back in Track 1. This is because reaching him requires abilities players won't have the first time through, and so they'll have to replay the level to speak to him.

After rescuing 808, players must jump across several pipes and platforms to enter the next building. Before entering this building, players should look around for a blue force field concealing a magnet hook. Use this hook to reach a platform where the investigator is looking out over the Production skyline.

After speaking to the HR investigator at all eight locations, speak to him one last time. The investigator will thank Chai for listening and give him an Armstrong circuit as a reward. This circuit doesn't count towards the "All My Circuits" challenge, but it does give players the "Have we met before?" achievement.

Hi-Fi Rush is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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