
  • Customizing controls in Hi-Fi Rush can enhance gameplay and make the experience more comfortable and enjoyable for players.
  • Utilizing the parry mechanic in the game is essential for defeating stronger enemies and mastering it will lead to satisfying victories.
  • Collectibles in Hi-Fi Rush can upgrade Chai in unique ways, so players should pay attention to them to improve his abilities for upcoming battles.

Hi-Fi Rush blew people when it dropped on the Xbox Series S and X back in early 2023, but now that it's finally been released for the PlayStation 5, it means so many more people will get to experience this incredible action-adventure game for the very first time. Though Hi-Fi Rush isn't exactly a difficult game, it does still come with a steep learning curve due to its unique combat system that relies on the player swinging around Chai's guitar to the beat of the background music. As a result, players won't be able to just tap a single button over and over again to take down enemies and will instead need to be more strategic in how they play to pull off flashy and dazzling combo attacks.

Hi-Fi Rush: All Graffiti Locations

There are 24 different Graffiti illustrations to collect in Hi-Fi Rush. And, some of them are pretty well hidden, so let's go over each location.

The truth is there are a ton of mistakes and bad habits that newcomers can fall into that will end up making the early game much harder than it needs to be and less enjoyable to play. To avoid these pitfalls, Hi-Fi Rush players should familiarize themselves with what not to do during those first few hours to ensure the game feels as fluid, fun, and engaging as possible.

6 Don't Skip Over The Options

Hi-Fi Rush Grants Players Numerous Different Options To Help Customize The Experience To Their Liking

Options menu in Hi-Fi Rush

Though it can be tempting to jump straight into a game without worrying about all the nooks and crannies featured in the options menu, it's well worth doing this for Hi-Fi Rush since it offers such a staggering amount of customization. Not only is there an option to emphasize the rhythm visualization to help players with their timing, but players are also able to customize the subtitles in a myriad of ways to ensure they don't get in the way of the gameplay.

Of course, players also have the opportunity to switch around their controls to their liking, and there's even an Auto-Action mode where Chai will attack with a single button, which is ideal for those who aren't enjoying the combat but still want to see the story. Needless to say, Hi-Fi Rush is packed full of customization options in its main menu, so it's never a bad idea to take a look before starting the game to ensure the experience feels as comfortable as possible.

5 Don't Forget About Parrying

The Parry Mechanic Can Help Take Down The More Durable Robot Enemies

Chai parrying an enemy

In a game that encourages players to execute vibrant combo attacks to the beat of the music, hanging back and waiting for a moment to parry can be somewhat of an afterthought at first. Although Chai can dodge some of the early enemies without much issue, once the game starts throwing stronger enemies his way, the parry becomes much more useful and, in some cases, essential to use. As with every video game parry mechanic, using this at the right time is much easier said than done, and it can take quite a bit of practice, but there's nothing more satisfying than pulling it off in time with the beat during an intense encounter.

6 Games With The Most Satisfying Parry Mechanics

Parrying can be incredibly satisfying if pulled off correctly in a video game. These games nailed their parry systems.

A successful parry will leave an enemy stunned and vulnerable, which can be all so useful when coming up against the more durable robots that start appearing not long after the first few levels. Without giving too much away, there's also a specific boss later on who requires the player to have perfected the parry system in order to defeat them, so getting familiar with it as soon as possible is encouraged.

4 Try To Avoid Skipping Over Collectibles

Collectibles Can Upgrade Chai In A Few Unique Ways, So Players Should Keep An Eye Out For Them

Electric Rever Core Piece in Hi-Fi Rush

It can be easy to get distracted by the gorgeously bright and beautiful world of Hi-Fi Rush to the point where skipping over small items and collectibles by accident is something most players will easily do on their first playthrough. Collectibles in this game aren't only there for trophy hunters to seek out, though; they can actually upgrade Chai in a plethora of different ways when enough of them have been found.

For example, if players manage to seek out four Life Gauge Pieces that are scattered throughout the levels, it will permanently raise Chai's maximum HP, which is always a handy bonus. Collectibles will always have a sharp colorful glow that emanates around them, so try Hi-Fi Rush players should keep an eye out for them during Chai's journey to help stack the odds in his favor for the upcoming battles.

3 Avoid Button Mashing

Hi-Fi Rush's Gameplay Will Be Much Harder Than It Needs To Be If Players Resort To Button Mashing

Chai striking an enemy with his guitar

Most hack and slash games will encourage the player to land as many hits as possible onto enemies to deal the maximum amount of damage, but Hi-Fi Rush does things a bit differently. Rather than focusing too much on landing hits, players should instead try to prioritize their attacks being in time with the rhythm of the music. The reason for this is that combo attacks that land with the beat will be much more powerful, and players will have an easier time chaining them together, unlike loose attacks, which are off-beat.

Button mashing, therefore, isn't really a viable option like it is in other games since this will make Chai's attacks weak and sloppy while also making it easy for him to get interrupted by the enemy during a combo. Players shouldn't be afraid to space out the time between tapping an attack button since there's really no need to press it down as fast as possible. Instead, they should try to be more methodical and take some time at the beginning of each level to learn the rhythm of the beat and perform some free-flowing attacks in tune with the music before approaching the enemies.

2 Never Ignore The Environment

The Expressive Environments Can Be Very Useful When Trying To Find The Beat

Chai standing in a large factory

Everything in Hi-Fi Rush moves in tune with the beat, not only with the character movements but also the environments. Whether it's a small steam pipe blowing at just the right moment or an elevator that only moves up and down in time with the music, every level is purposefully designed to let the player know when they should be swinging around their guitar. As a result, though it can be easy to completely ignore the background of a stage in order to focus on the battle at hand, it's better to think of the environment as a tool that can help Chai find his rhythm in combat.

Hi-Fi Rush: Best Special Abilities, Ranked

The best special abilities in Hi-Fi Rush are the ones that are easy to use, and dish out massive damage.

This doesn't just happen from a visual standpoint either, as many random objects and structures will also have loud audio cues that play in time with the beat. This is useful for combat, but it can also help out with the game's tricky platforming sections since it will let players know when they might want to think about taking a leap of faith to avoid falling to their death.

1 Don't Be Afraid To Toggle On The Metronome

Hi-Fi Rush Features A Handy Metronome That Makes Following The Rhythm Much Easier

Chai with the metronome at the bottom

There's an easy way for players to get back into the rhythm of the music if they find themselves falling off it too much, and that's by activating the metronome. This small icon can be toggled on by pressing the touchpad on the PS5 controller or the View button for the Xbox. Although some players don't like having these sorts of helping hands guiding them through the game, there's no shame in turning it on for anyone who's struggling. As mentioned earlier, Hi-Fi Rush's unique gameplay does make it a little difficult to get used to for some people, so there's nothing wrong with switching this on if it will make the overall experience more enjoyable.

While the metronome won't automatically make the game easier, it's by far the most useful tool for staying on beat, since it will provide constant visual cues for players to follow. Gamers can simply tap the attack buttons in time with the small red "C" symbols that come in from each side of the screen, and Chai will make quick work of his mechanical enemies in no time at all. If anything, the metronome can even be useful for learning the core mechanics of the game, especially at the beginning. Those who do not wish to rely on it for a full playthrough are free to turn it off once they feel comfortable.

Hi-Fi Rush

Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC , PS5
January 25, 2023
Tango Gameworks