Track 6 of Hi-Fi Rush is a short but intense stage that covers Chai's journey from one Security campus to the other. Most of the track takes place on an underground tram called L.I.F.T. and involves a long string of fights that slowly grow in intensity.

Fortunately for completionists, there are no collectibles to be found on the L.I.F.T. However, there are a few collectibles of every sort tucked away in the corners of the hallway that leads down to the tram station. Players who want to find every collectible in Hi-Fi Rush should keep their eyes open or use a handy guide like this one.

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Collectible 1 - Armstrong Circuit

hi fi rush track 6 armstrong

The first collectible is immediately behind Chai when the track begins. Instead of heading straight forward into the hallway ahead, turn around and check behind the elevator. There's an Armstrong Circuit hiding in the back, just waiting for someone to come along and pick it up.

Collectible 2 - Graffiti Art

hi fi rush track 6 graffiti

Soon after starting the journey down to the tram station, Chai will come across one of Peppermint's shops. Look to the left, walk between the red barriers towards the shut door, and then look down at the floor. This is where the stage's Graffiti Art can be found.

Players should also note that this graffiti shares a space with the one from Track 5 back in the hideout. Players who have found this art but not the previous one must revisit Track 5 to get it.

Collectible 3 - Vlog

hi fi rush track 6 vlog

The last collectible in this stage is a single Vlog. To get it, players must travel down the spiral ramp to the L.I.F.T. platform. However, when the path stops going down and straightens out, turn around and look over at the advertisement screen. The vlog is on a bench, cleverly concealed behind a trash can.

And that's it; the list of collectibles for Track 6 is now complete. Unlike earlier and later stages, there are no post-game collectibles that players must replay the level to find, nor are there any challenge doors hidden in any corners. In fact, challenge door 6 is in Track 7, 7 is in 8, and 8 is in 10.

The only thing left for players to do in this track is to get better scores for the three fights in the stage and try out the different difficulty levels. This is a good stage to practice in since the fights include a good variety of enemies, and there are no platforming sections or rhythm challenges to take up time.

Hi-Fi Rush is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Hi-Fi Rush: All Collectibles in Track 7